"My life is over." Leo whispered without making eye contact, just staring at his hand on her leg.

"I'm sure it isn't over. Just tell me what happened."

"Fucking Hell Leo." Scorpius said entering the room and walking over to hug her anymore. "Did you have any preparation before she announced it?"

Leo shook her head against his chest as the tears came rushing back, "I hate her." She choked out.

"If you didn't I'd think you were crazy." Scorpius agreed, "Andres catch James up on what's happening."

"No I should tell him." Leo said pulling back from Scorpius and wiping her eyes.

"Leo you don't have to." Scorpius told her softly.

"I want to. I want one person to learn from me okay? On my terms. I can't have the only people I've told be fucking Kingsley and Bennetts. That's pathetic and embarrassing."

"Okay, you tell him then." Scorpius said supportively.

Leo turned back to James who was watching them confused, "So."

"So." James repeated back.

"I'm just going to be completely blunt here."

"Go for it."

"Astoria isn't my mum."

"Uh okay- wait no what?" James asked confused.

"My dad and Astoria took a break before they got married to see other people and find out whether they loved each other or if they were just getting married because they were both pureblooded. And my dad decided to hook up with a muggle."

"Draco Malfoy had sex with a muggle? Is this why you spend time with your grandmother? So she doesn't hate you guys as much for the scandal?"

"I haven't seen my grandmother in like five years and she has no clue- well had no clue."

"Then where-,"

"-My mum. My real mum. Every time I've ever said I was going to my gram's or to a family friend's place it's been my mum."

"So New York-,"

"-Yes." Leo nodded, "But the thing is, my mum is sort of kind of famous. She's a model."

"The one that's always cold," James recalled then connected the pieces, "Just like you are. I was literally even going to make that comment."

"Mhm. Well she got into some controversy involving supporting an assaulter and was going to go on Jimmy Fallon and talk about her own experiences with domestic abuse to try and turn the story to her favor. But she didn't talk about her own experiences. She talked about mine. And not only did she talk about mine, but she decided to first and last name me." Leo explained the story steadily as her depression slowly turned into anger.

"What the fuck? And you didn't even expect her to?" James asked, still confused, but understanding enough to know this situation was a major violation of trust.

"I had no idea. I hopped on a plane within the hour," She turned to Andres, "How did you find out what happened?"

"It was on Twitter." Andres answered.

"Fucking Hell. Everyone is going to know, they probably already do." Leo said burying her head in her hands.

"Hey hey hey," James said moving her hands away from her face and holding them, "It's going to be okay."

"Dad hasn't answered any of my calls Leo," Scorpius said placing his hand on her shoulder, "I'd make James apparate there but I don't know where they're staying."

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