"Why is this so painful?" she let out, Aaron stood up and planted a kiss on her temple.

"I love you" he whispered, Celeste let out a hum.

"I'm on the fence right now" she let out, Aaron let out a chuckle.

"that's okay" he let out. Courtney walked in a few minutes later and looked at Aaron and Celeste.


"Nope, no um. that should not be in any doctors vocabulary" Celeste let out as she pointed her finger at Courtney.

"So the anaesthetist is on his way, but still one hour away" Celeste looked at her with big eyes.

"Don't worry, we can give you some morphine to help with the pain for now" Courtney said, Celeste shook her head.

"Nope!" Celeste let out. Courtney gave her a nod.

"Alright I'm going to go check on some patients, I'll be back in tirty minutes to check you" Celeste nodded to her.

"try the yoga ball" Courtney let out as she pointed to the purple ball in the corner before turning around and walking out of the room, Aaron got up and walked to the other side of the room and got the yoga ball and brought it to the bed, he put it on the floor and then grabbed a towel and put it on the ball.

"Alright up" he said, Celeste looked at him.

"Don't look at me like that, get out of bed...De Luca" he let out, Celeste looked at him in shock.

"you dick" she let out as she scoot herself out of the bed.

"well listen" he let out as he helpped her.

"put your dominance away, I'm trying to birth a baby here Hotcher" she let out, Celeste gently sat on the ball facing the bed and she looked up at him and he looked down at her, they both started laughing.

"Put your arms on the bed" he then said, Celeste did as told as Aaron walked behind her and pulled the steal bench up behind her and sat hebind Celeste. Aaron planted a kiss on her head.

"gently rock side to side" he said resting his hands on her lower back and gently started massaging, Celeste let her head fall forward and let out a moan.

"when you get a contraction just take a deep breath when it starts and let it out with the pain" he gently said. They both stayed quiet as Celeste was moving on the ball and breathing, they heard footsteps walk in the room. Aaron looked up and saw Octavia smiling at them.

"Hey red" he said in a gentle tone, Celeste looked up and instantly started crying.

"Oh Hun your okay" Octavia let out as she put her purse down and got to the bed, she sat down on the chair that was on the other side of the bed facing Celeste and reached both hands accross the bed and grabbed her best friends hands.

"why are we so upset? this is a happy thing that's happening" Octavia asked as she looked up at Aaron who shook his head.

"the stupid doctor for the epidural is one hour away" Celeste said in a growling tone as she was getting a contraction. Celeste did what Aaron had told her to do and it looked like it helpped, Celeste looked at Octavia who gave her a smile.

"Ce, you don't need the epidural. You are so strong and you can do this without it"

"woman this hurts" Celeste let out, Octavia nodded to her.

"No one said it was easy, but guess what you of all people should be able to do this. because your...."

"If you say bad bitch, I'm getting you and Aaron thrown out of the room" Celeste let out, Aaron let out a chuckle as Octavia looked at her with raised eyebrows.

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