Chapter 8: Battle For Fort Graken I

Start from the beginning

"Archers! Nock!" Rennirel yells as the archers follow his command. "Aim!"

Ve'Kar during this begins ranting in an unknown language to his Hell Spawn as the Hell Spawn begin charging.

The archers draw waiting for the order to let their arrows loose.

"Loose!" Rennirel says snapping his fingers setting the arrows ablaze with magic as the archers let their arrows loose.

Bailey watches the magical arrows go through the air and descend down onto the unending horde striking and killing many as the archers keep unleashing arrows at will trying to whittle away at their numbers.

The horde of Hell Spawn eventually crash against the reinforced as Zaiken walks through the group of dwarves and human soldiers preferring to be at the front.

Everyone watches their gates being slammed against with the sounds of Hell Spawn growling on the other side.

A human soldier pants nervously with rain hitting his helm and dripping down it. Hell Spawn eventually break through as Zaiken orders the spears and shields to maintain their positions.

The Hell Spawns swarm the soldiers as they're stabbed during this as the soldiers are trying to push them back. Zaiken swings his greataxe around decapitating multiple Hell Spawn with ease.

The archers meanwhile are desperately trying to keep the Hell Spawn off the battlements with the elven wolves helping them.

Rennirel decapitates a Hell Spawn as it's burning blood splatters onto his face. Rennirel helps one of the archers up but he's eviscerated by some sort of fireball.

This sends Rennirel flying off the battlements as he quickly gets up seeing an archer be ripped in half by a Hell Spawn. Rennirel quickly gets back onto the battlements with his eyes and longsword glowing.

Rennirel goes on a tear, slicing and dicing through the Hell Spawn at nearly incomprehensible speed. He cleaves several Hell Spawn into pieces and lastly decapitates a Hell Spawn being covered in burning blood.

Bailey heads over to the other set of gates which have been breached but the soldiers and human Wolves are holding mostly fine as she hopes they can keep this up.

Back on the bridge Erik looks out at the battle but Durgon hits him in the side getting his attention. Erik and the others make it across the bridge but are surprised to see Hell Spawn overwhelming the assigned forces meant to hold the tower.

Myra springs herself into action shield bashing a Hell Spawn away from a down soldier who's terrified. Myra slashes downwards splitting the Hell Spawn in half and moves on to the other Hell Spawn.

Durgon fires Blackbolt multiple times pestering the Hell Spawns gaining their attention. Fae'delar throws one of his daggers towards a Hell Spawn which misses but he blinks to the dagger grabbing it and proceeds to stab the Hell Spawn in the skull and through the eyes.

A Hell Spawn tries attacking as Fae'delar chucks a dagger out and blinking to it. The Hell Spawn is confused but his head is cleaved in two by Erik swinging his greatsword.

Erik keeps cleaving through Hell Spawn with ease as he feels much stronger evident by his swings with the greatsword. Erik senses more Hell Spawn coming up behind him as he turns swinging his greatsword with surprising speed.

He Who Kills decapitates every single Hell Spawn with ease and no struggle at all as Erik did this with one hand.

Erik is surprised by this with the Hell Spawn corpses spewing burning blood like a fountain. He looks at his greatsword and his hand feeling greater strength that he didn't have before.

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