The Traphouse are all currently out at a club in Hawaii. It's different to the clubs in LA. I guess a good way to describe how Hawaiian clubs are is they're more exotic than LA. A different variety of people here. It was good to see this.

We haven't gone out to a club all together in a while since we have been throwing our own parties.

Being here right now just reminded me of how much I missed being out and socialising.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard clashing and smashing glass behind me.

I look over the booth and I saw a really stressed out waitress trying to move people so they wouldn't step on broken glass and lime wedges.

My gaze was then brought to a girl in a white dress with a stumble to her walk. I looked to her face and it was sure enough Avanah.

"Oh hey Colby. You should really join us on the dance floor! Its so fun on there!" She said slumping down into the opposite side of the booth to me.

"Yeah, Maybe." I shrug holding my glass of liquor up to my lips.

"Well.. I think you should turn that maybe into a yes!" She said fumbling in her bag and looking up at me every so often.

I laughed at her. She was clearly very intoxicated. Her lipstick looked slightly smudged but it looked perfect on her. Her hair slightly messy but again, It looked perfect on her. I swear this girl could not shower for a week and she would still look perfect.

She finally pulled out the baggie of white powder from her bag and put a quarter sized amount onto the back of her hand and snorted it. She has always been into drugs ever since I met her. She has a rough background.

Outsiders will just say that shes 'troubled' or 'that she needs serious help' But in reality, She isn't on drugs everyday. She only does drugs when she feels stressed or if shes out partying. That is apart from cannabis. She smokes a blunt maybe once a week.

"You know you shouldn't mix alcohol with whatever it is that your snorting right now?" I ask raising my concerns.

She tilted her head back sniffing a little and then wipes her nose with a tissue. "I've been doing it for years. Ill be fine Colby!" She says perking back up and jumps from her seat and holds her hand out to me. I gave a confused look. "Come on! Lets get you out onto the dance floor!" She said shouting.

I laughed at her and took her hand in mine and swallowed the last of my drink and stood up and she dragged me through the crowd of people to where Sam and Kat were on the dance floor. Jake was partying with Tara and Corey was just happy to be here. Devyn couldn't make it out to Hawaii since she had a couple of doctors appointments that shes been waiting months for.

Avanah spun around and grabbed both of my hands and then started swaying and raised my hands above her head and she spun again.

I caught myself just staring at the way she moved so smoothly.

Her brain is flooded with Ketamine. Her body looks like heaven.

She let go of my hands and jumped around embracing the moment.

Shes been dancing under lights since she was 17.

It seemed like everything was in slow motion. The intoxicated glimmer in her eyes was addicting. I dont know what was making me think of her like this.

I got knocked out of my trance when a guy pushed pass me with a girl attached to his hip.

I look back to Avanah and I saw her kissing a random guy. The guy had his hands traveling quickly up her dress trying to pull it up. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

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