"What are you doing here" he asked.

"Well I saw how busy you were so I called your dad myself, he insisted I come for dinner" he said with a grin and then he continued this time whispering "at first he was hesitant since Antonio was coming and he didn't want Millie to be put of  but I told him how much I enjoyed his food and missed it and I assured him I didn't know who Antonio was" 

"You're pathetic. Where's Emilia?" He said ignoring his friend, he wanted to see Emilia not Callum.

"So did you send her away? Did she keep my hoodie? She looked great in my hoodie, don't you think" Callum said ignoring the question.

"Yes she's gone. It was just a hoodie she looked the same. But no Olivia went shopping and got her some clothes, your hoodie is at mine. You can have it back." Damon said flatly.
Again surprising Callum, he thought there might be a bit of jealousy there but Damon truly didn't care.

"Fine Millie isn't back yet" Callum said.

A short while later

Matteo and Dante were trying to finish studying. Exams were hitting them hard.

Mason and Callum were watching TV, Damon was working.

Alesandro insisted on everyone spending time together. He was a little surprised when Callum called him but he couldn't say no because Callum and Emilia teaming up was like free entertainment.

When Alesandro arrived back, he had let his daughter go out on a walk with Antonio to get away from her brothers before dinner, and he had picked them up.

"Everyone is in the living room" Alesandro said.

"So avoid the living room" Emilia suggested.

"No go on in. I'll just put dinner on and then I'll be in " he said.

"I'm sorry you have to do this again. I think Damon just wants to make sure you're not like Luca" she said knowing if Antonio wasn't here it wouldn't be a family dinner.

"Its fine Em, I'll be here every night if it meant convincing them I'm not like that piece of filth" he told her.

They entered the living room.

Matteo, Dante, and Mason sat back and watched the entertainment unfold.

"So that's Antonio" Callum said getting up and walking over to them.

"And you are?" Antonio asked confidently.

"Damon's best friend of course" Callum said.

"Is that really how you want to be known as. You should aim for higher standards " Antonio replied.
He didn't really like Damon so any chance to insult him

"I think Millie should aim for higher standards. There's nothing special about you. How do I know you're going to treat her right" he said.

"He does treat me right" Emilia interrupted not wanting him to be threatened.
"I'm talking to him Millie" even though Callums tone wasn't harsh, she couldn't help grab Antonio's hand for reassurance. He understood straight away and squeezed it a little for reassurance "let's just sit down you can question me more in a less confrontation manner" he suggested.

"I think that would be wise. Both of you come take a seat. Ignore Callum" Damon said seeing the little habits she had when she got nervous.

"Leave the boy alone. I told you he was fine" Damon said quietly but harshly to Callum.

"But I need to make sure Millie is safe. She deserves the best not some low life" he said glaring at Antonio.

"Fine go talk to him privately not in front of Emilia though. And I mean talk" Damon advised.

He didn't like Antonio because of his attitude but he knew he wouldn't cause Emilia harm so he had no problem with him.

"Antonio can I talk to you, I think my introduction was a bit harsh, let's restart" Callum said.


"I'm Callum it's nice to meet you, I work with Damon and I've met Emilia before, she's like a sister to me and  she deserves nothing but the best, if you hurt her even once, if you say the wrong thing. You will end up suffering in the most painful way possible " he introduced.

Emilia glared at Callum. Her brothers had warned Antonio the exact same way though, especially Damon.

"Got it" Antonio said not liking him.

"Great on a note important topic boys and girl. I have found a love interest for Damon" Callum announced like he hadn't just threatened Antonio.

Mason choked on the drink he was currently drinking.

Matteo and Dante starred in shock and started to laugh.

"Do tell Callum. I'd love to know my son's new girlfriend"  Alesandro said coming in

"You said there was no one yesterday " Emilia said . Antonio wasnt as taken back but he did silently wish whoever she was good luck.

"She's just a woman from work. I told you about my ex,  she just had some information and now she's gone home to her family " Damon said, childproofing it.

"But the way you carried her" Callum added.

"You must be dreaming. Only Em gets special treatment. He isn't carrying anyone anywhere only Emilia if she's fallen asleep" Dante stated .

Mason knew exactly who Callum was talking about and kept an open mind simply because Damon would have killed her by now if he truly hated her like he said he did.

"She fell asleep I had no choice but to carry her , and of course I was gentle, I wasn't going to bash her head against the door frame as I left" Damon said.

"I wouldn't put it past you" Callum said.

"Yeah I probably shouldn't fall asleep near him anymore " Emilia added.

"Want to tease Dante now we're on the subject of relationships " Antonio whispered. The two were sat together with Emilia leaning against him.

She nodded.

And the teasing begin.

Overall the night was a success. After a while they went and ate dinner. Antonio was questioned by Callum with everyone listening to Antonio's anwsers.

"Dad can we please go to my room. The boys are too much" she asked after dinner.

"Door open slightly" he told her . She nodded in agreement and went to find Antonio who was talking to mason.

She liked how despite her family being extremely protective and threatening , Antonio still made an effort with them..

They went to her room and the two of them practically collapsed onto her bed.
"Peace and quiet at last" Emilia said.

"I know. I've missed spending time with you" Antonio said.

"We spend every day together at school" she said.

"True but I can't do this....may I?" He leaned in to kiss her, she nodded and the two of them kissed. It wasn't like the quick pecks in school. 

They both pulled away so they could breath and they both looked at each other smiling. "You're so beautiful Emilia" he told her.
Emilia never felt beautiful even with Luca, but Antonio always found a way to make her feel good about the way she looked.

"I'm going to kiss you again " he said


I really don't know about this. It feels rushed but I might continue it like them getting caught or something.

What does everyone think of Antonio and Emilia, obviously they still kids so I don't want them to be like the others.

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