(Old) Chapter 6: Growth to Change

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Chapter 6:

"Now then, Kiba~" Rias Gremory enticingly attends.

Issei excitedly exclaims, "Oh, shit! Don't tell me-!"

"It's time for your punishment..." over her hand the gremory house sigil spins, "1000 spankings~."


Standing beside Xenovia, Yamato feintly smiles to the family, "Love the sinner, but hate the sin..."

Holding onto her Durandal, she looks at the fragments of excalibur. "What... What should I do, oh, Messenger of the Lord?"

"Anything." Picking up the fragment of nightmare, Yamato feins glee as he shatters the blade. "You know a great burden, it's your choice on what to do next." He chuckles, "Funny, it's as close to the matrix breaking you Human's like as so."

"What of you, Sir Angel."

"Myself?" Weaving the shards of the sword in threads of golden fire, he thinks to himself for a long minute. "I'll be staying in this town for a bit longer. To think, the Red Dragon Emperor is about to meet his destined rival; I will overlook this conflict until I must partake in sides."

"Will it be Hyoudou, or the other?"

"A good question, but one that implies I side with outside of Heaven." Spreading his black wings of only one large pair, he flakes off black specks of rusty metal to the forest feathers beneath. "Some people, the thought of new without the Father can make them mad, and we didn't need a madman going even more insane."

"You thought of him even while fighting him?"

Welding together, a thin bladed courtsword forms in his hands. "Of course, I hate the fallen, not the souls; he was a great man before the fall, one to look up to." He holds the pommel to her, "Come, let us remake these fragments, then, a new life may come to us, Xenovia Quarta."

As she reaches to the sword, he jerks her arm back and holds her wrist. "What if- one doesn't call me?"

Yamato places the pommel in her hand, "Then we'll make one, together if we say be."

To Be Continued...

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