(Old) Chapter 5: The Mountain

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Chapter 5:

Black and white, opposites that hold the tale of time, forces of nature itself. Yamato, now known as Montiel, stands as that of the angelic dragon, the scale hide shining in the light of green color. Kokabiel, fallen cadre traitor, stands in arrogance with his dual swords of gold light, his long ears and deathly ill flesh furthering his inhuman appearance.

Kokabiel grits his teeth, "How is this possible? Your existence should have been torn apart reversing the process. It shouldn't be possible without God! Is he still, even in death, getting in my way!?"

The light of his feathered wings flake off, revealing the shine of the black metal feathers beneath them. "I am Yamato Montiel, the Twilight Dragon of Heaven's Mountain. You mock me at my weakest, now come; face me at my strongest!" Stone shatters beneath his feet as the air bursts in waves, his core glows a bright green and up his throat. Yamato releases a roar like no other, shattering the air as from his fanged mouth released a cone of emerald fire.

The fire burnt through the ground as though just air, incinerating to dust whatever was in its path. Hastily, Kokabiel jumps to the side with the aid of his wings, narrowly being singed by the flames. Through the fire he lunges, Yamato stabs straight to his heart, but Kokabiel catches the blade with his crossguard and lifts, thrusting his second sword into Yamato's chest. Dispersing his sword, Yamato grabs Kokabiel's arm and pulls the blade in deeper, sniggering as the man fearfully tugs away.

Kokabiel slices off Yamato's hand and flies into the sky, "You damn monster, just what the hell are you!?" Tackling Kokabiel's core, Yamato grabs the fallen by the collar and drags him to the ground, he throws back his head before roaring out a torrent of flame. Kokabiel blocks the fire with his hand, "Holy fire! You are the spawn of Uriel?!"

Appearing behind him, Yamato spins Kokabiel by the shoulder, getting his wings scorched off as Yamato suckers him in the jaw. "Say it again!" Yamato commands, gently landing a pace from where the fallen fell. "Say it, and I'll grant you a taste of war."

Coughing, Kokabiel spits out: "I've heard of you; my second coming! Failure of Uriel!" He laughs as he spreads his wings, clearing the dust from around. "You dare hold yourself so high, but we're the same, we're- GaH!"

Impaling his hand through Kokabiel's stomach, Yamato yanks his arm out and side kicks the bastard further. "I am nothing like you! I absolve the worthy, but you, you shall be devoured into the void!" Jumping up high, he spreads his six wings and spins, the leaf-bladed swords that are his feathers coat the ground below him.

As Issei runs to his group, a sword lands just behind him between his legs, spooking the lad as he scurries away. "Bushou! What's going on?"

Rias tackles her pawn and flies off with him, retreating back to her peerage to the school. "I don't know, but we gotta go; the energy is getting too strong." She explains.

"He said Yamato was the son of Uriel, who is that?" Issei asks.

Akeno embraces Issei in a tight hug into her chest, explaining, "She's a Great Seraph, one of the four greats, also known as the highest rank of angels."

"Woah." He looks out the windows, "That's badass. But does that mean the war really will start?"

"You'll be fine..." A cold woman says, passing the two into the school. Dressed like that of a mourning bride, she hides half her face under a veil of black lace. "Yamato will give time, but isn't all powerful... not yet..." She kneels in the middle of the entrance room with a glowing icy palm on the ground. A bright golden and complicated heavenly rune reveals itself.

"Excuse me, but-"

The woman closes herself off in a dome of green light, parting with a push to Hyoudou, "Go and fight, red dragon emperor."

Looking at his arm, Issei stares at his left hand. The dragon's gem flickers as an orange light shimmers in the core of the green crystal. He clenches his fist, "Prez." he says in full resolve, "Please let me fight."

"Issei..." Rias looks at the chaos that is outside. "Go, but you will stay as support, understood?"

"Yes!" Issei crawls to a run, charging to the fight of gold and green.

Wrapping a whip of light around his body, Yamato drags down Kokabiel from the skies and stabs the angel in his shoulder, taking in Kokabiel's dual swords into his throat. Green flames explode from Yamato's throat, blasting away the fallen angel. Letting out a roar from the flames, Dagon's voice shatters the crackling, "Devour!" The flames spiral into an emerald crystal embedded in Yamato's chest, with it the swords of light are dragged from Kokabiel's grasp into the gem.

"Why won't you die!?" Kokabiel throws his arms out, shooting a barrage of light javelins.

"Devour! Devour! Devour!" Dagon continues to absorb the spears that strike Yamato as his voice multiplies to take up even more. "Devour!" Flames puff out from the halo's spikes, the thorns split open and release green orbs that hover over the opening. The halo lowers to infront of him, "Dragon Smite!" Yamato strikes through the hole, the seven orbs all blasting off into beams of golden light. "Hurry up and die!" Flipping a dagger of green light as it forms, Yamato begins slinging them in a revenge barrage; at every hit they explode in golden light and fire.

"Yamato!" Issei yells, stopping Yamato from his firing.

Panting heavily, Yamato drops his arms. "It's not over..." the scale hide deforms off him, his angelic form having wings of black flaming feathers, "I'm not done..!"

"I've got you. Boosted gear!" Issei pats his back, "Transfer!"

"You impress me, son of Uriel. Will you humor me with what that gear was? It was far too powerful for-"

"My gear was Twice Main, the first variant of Twice Critical. I used the two powers; the sealed power of Devour, which absorbs half of all damage done; and the common ability of Enhance, which doubles all my power." Flexing his arm of silver, shoots golden fire out the joints. "Robotic arm, nice touch, Dagon."

"What!? How could I have-!"

"Much appreciated, partner." Gold light spills from the etchings of the dragon, "It is my first time taking a part from a user, so I made it specifically for you."

"Hey!" Kokabiel yells.

"Shut up." Yamato tosses a knife into Kokabiel's eye. Forming in his hand, he slams a staff into the ground creating a dome of green energy. "We cannot kill him, Issei, not just yet. Keep on boosting, this shield will never break."

"Right." Issei begins to grow in power.

Kokabiel attacks the dome; attacking with light in forms of spheres, spears, swords, and even his bare fists. He slams his fist into the barrier, splattering blood over it. "What is this!?"

"As if you'd know even if I explained. Your specialty was star magic, not dark, do not forget that was." Yamato walks to the barrier and laughs at the struggle, "I know of your fall, Heaven teaches of the Fall the Watchers. Your powers stripped from you, only able to teach them to humanity as spite against God. Yet, I will forever have my power, as it flows through me such as the Father's power in the sun! You can't feel it, can you? The power of his that reflects off the moon. His power, that of night and day, will never fade as it will shatter all reality, ending the infinite." Stretching a hand out, Yamato cups Kokabiel's cheek and pulls his head though the dome. "Do you understand now? That no matter what you do, the Father will live. Now, leave my friends alone." Outside the barrier Kokabiel's body drops, "My dearest elder, how low of you to not throw out your trash." The barrier drops and Yamato rolls his head from his palm. "A mountain rests, but the quakes and fire should never be forgotten."

"Dude, that's disgusting!" Issei backs away from the rolling head.

Yamato wipes his hands in a handkerchief and drops it over Kokabiel's face. "Fools never understand how barriers work, easy but all so boring. Any barrier can do this, it just takes patience."

"But, how could you kill so calmly?"

"Just clean up the body."Walking back to the school, he waves behind himself, "Let's go, Issei, I'm starting to get tired."

The putrid scent of rotting bird tickles the nose, gagging Issei covers his nose and backs away, "Bro, I'm not touching-"

"Let's go!"

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