Double Date?

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Requested by geminitay67

Private chat between Jimmy and Lizzie

Cat: Jimmy!!!!!!

Toy: What?

Cat I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with me and Joel?

Toy: So I'm going to be a third wheel

Cat: No were being Scott

Toy: Why Scott? And also a double date?!??!??!

Cat: Yes a double date. And because Scott is lonely as fuck

Toy: But isn't mostly everyone lonely

Cat: Well yes but you're coming you whether like it or not

Toy: Fine

Out Of Chat

Lizzie: Okay I got Jimmy to come surprisingly

Joel: Alright Scott said yes. That little simp

Lizzie: So about the plan how are we going to get a drone?

Joel: Don't worry babe I got this

Lizzie: Huh?

Shelby: Alright I managed to repair it but I haven't tested out

Joel: Impressive but maybe we should test it just in case

Shelby: Okay

*Starts to fly it around*

Lizzie: Seems to work

Shelby: Oh thank goodness I was about slap Joel if I didn't work

Joel: Why is always me!!!!!!

Shelby: Well I'm not going to slap Lizzie

Lizzie: Well thank you I guess. Also we'll explain that plan once the rest get here

Joel: Their here

False: Okay so what's the plan?

Joel: Well Lizzie explain the plan

Lizzie: Okay so me and Joel had got Jimmy and Scott to go on a double date. But what they don't know is they're going on a date by themselves. So Shelby your-

Shelby: God damnit Scott

Gem: This bitch

Joel: No one answer

Sausage: That's fine he's a grown ass boy

Katherine: Ummm what's going on?

Gem: Don't worry about it

Sausage: Scott just needed help but he can deal with it

Lizzie: Okay as I was saying Shelby your going to use the drone to spy on them

Shelby: Alright

Joel: Everyone let's start getting everything else setup

Everyone: Alright

Gem: Hey Shelby aren't you coming in?

Shelby: No I need to get the drone in the right place

Gem: Then I'm staying here

Shelby: What

Gem: Shelby your my friend I'm not going to leave you behind

Shelby: Fine

Sausage: You know what simps stick together

Joel: Yeah simps always stick together

Gem: Stick together

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