Bloody Promotion (Vampire x Reader)- Part 1

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(Vampire x Reader)

(Author's Note: I'm going to start working on some more/longer x Reader stories, please let me know if you would both read them and what types of creatures you think I should do! Also fandoms might be fun so please let me know what you think of those)

"First day right?" 

"Yes sir, I'm Mr. Blake's new assistant." You try so very hard to hold the smile that you had plastered on your face before you left your shitty apartment, your hand clutched the little plastic security badge tightly as you follow the guy. He was some kind of IT professional, though you weren't sure of his actual title. 

"Well, don't let him give the company a bad name." You could almost feel the hatred in his voice, he couldn't be that bad, could he? He was the owner and CEO but. . you couldn't make this large of a company with so much competition for even your small position without being somewhat likeable.

"Is he. . . is he difficult to get along with?" You ask, trying to be kind with your words. It wasn't like you didn't hear the rumors about him, but really he couldn't be that terrible.

"You have no idea." The guy gestured to a desk placed just outside a pair of closed frosted glass doors, it was nice though it looked like whoever had it last didn't leave happily. There were papers in an absolute mess and the mouse hung off the side of the desk by its cord. There was even a plant on the floor from where the pot had broken. "His last assistant. . . threw a bit of a tantrum before he left, sorry. Mr. Blake insisted that the cleaning staff leave it, didn't want them touching his personal files." The guy rolled his eyes as you step out from behind him.

From the looks of it you were surprised there weren't nail marks in the desk or scratches in the cushioned chair. "I. . can see that." You mutter, even if you got fired, this wasn't exactly a professional way to leave the company.

"I would recommend that you probably clean up the mess before you introduce yourself. If you have any questions on the system just let me know." He waved, practically backpedaling down the hall before he even finished speaking. You open your mouth to thank him for his help, but he was already gone.

Rolling your eyes you carefully kneel on the carpet, careful with the professional length of your skirt and heels as you begin to collect the papers and pick up the dead remains of the plant. You would have to ask the cleaning staff where the hell a vacuum was or if they wouldn't mind doing it since you had no idea where they would want the broken pieces of pot discarded.

"Jason! I swear to God, if you don't get this calendar in some kind of working fucking order you will be drug out by the seat of your pants for this mess of a . . ." The ferocious roar startled you as you sit up straight, banging the back of your head on the edge of the desk, slicing your hand with the pottery piece you had picked and drop the files all over again. You groan, grasping the back of your head with your uninjured hand as tears try to claim your vision.

"Who the fuck are you?" The snarl made you freeze as you slowly turn your head to view the man standing over you. Probably the same one that had just been yelling.

"S-sorry, I'm Mr. Blake's new assistant." You try to introduce yourself, going to stand only to hit your head on the corner of the desk again and falling flat on your ass as you wonder if you actually broke the skin this time, at the least there was a bump now.

"Oh shit." Hands catch under your arms and almost effortlessly the man lifts you to your feet, leaning you against the desk. He didn't even ask if you were ok, he just set you there and stared, bending down to your eye level as you tried to refocus.

"Owww." You have to say it out loud, maybe it would help the pain go away as you rub the spot gently, it at least didn't split skin. You close your eyes and breathe through your teeth as it begins to dissipate finally, the dull throb of a bruise would be permanent for the rest of the day you could already tell.

"That looked. . . unfortunate." His voice made you crack your eyes as he placed the files you collected next to your hand so you won't have to get on the floor again.

"It was definitely something, thank you for the files but I don't think Mr. Blake wanted anyone else to touch them." You tell the man, glancing at the frosted glass doors worried he would get in trouble.

"I don't think that Mr. Blake will care if I touch them." A hint of amusement in his voice made you tilt your head wondering. The man was handsome, he filled out a suit well and with his short cut black hair swept backwards to reveal a handsome sharply defined face he looked like he aged effortlessly. He looked very familiar as well. Did you see him on your way up? Or. . .

You gasp standing up straight and adjusting your blouse quickly, "Mr. Blake I am so sorry, this was of course not how I wanted to introduce myself." You say quickly, brushing a bit of the spilled dirt off your black skirt. Great way to meet your direct supervisor, you thought grudgingly, offering your right hand to shake his. "I'm (full name), it's nice to finally meet you." You breathe, this was such a fucking disaster.

"We are to be working very closely together (y/n), please call me Atlas." He extended his hand, shaking yours firmly as you grimace pulling back much quicker than was polite to check the sudden sting that radiated from the contact. Checking your hand you blush in embarrassment, your hand was sliced across the palm and you had completely forgotten, now it is all over his. He was merely examining his palm, his face calm and impassive.

"I'm so sorry about that Mr. . Atlas, let me just get myself and this desk cleaned up and then I am all yours." You say quickly, holding your palm to your chest as you move towards the bathroom.

"Please hurry (y/n), something you will learn about me, I am not a patient man." You shudder as his dark eyes follow you, there was something intense about this man, like he was cloaked in something much darker than his suit as he moved into his office and you go to clean your palm. This job was already a disaster and it was only your first day!

Atlas stepped into his office and closed the door behind him. Once inside he nearly collapsed, he was barely holding it together. How could you. . . on the first day. He cradled his palm carefully, like he was the one that had been cut. It took so much out of him not to go chasing after you.

He could feel the burning hunger as it stabbed him, slicing through his will not to hunt you down this very moment. He couldn't. . .  he would bide his time, you had no idea what you were dealing with. His eyes zeroed in on the blood streaked across his palm. But even if he couldn't hunt you, he could at least get a taste.

He brought his hand to his face, closing his eyes as he breathed slowly, God did you smell like heaven, it had been so long since a human tempted him so, and even when one did it was always easier than this. This was so much stronger. He groaned as slowly he licked it from his palm, you tasted like nirvana as he licked his hand clean, he knew it wouldn't sustain him for long, but for now it was all he could get as he heard the soft knock on the glass door. 

You had said something before you walked to the bathroom, something very very stupid. He thought, hiding his fanged smile behind his stony face as he turned to face you, vampires were literal creatures, believing strongly in the world of the living and the physical. They were creatures with little self-discipline, hedonistic if you would, they believed in pain and the pleasure to be found in it. And you had promised to be all his, little did you know as you the door to his office and begin your first day as his personal assistant, he would hold you to that ill-worded oath.

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