Where are we?!

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Estonia was spinning around while she fought the marines around her with her two main guns alongside Jewelry Bonney as she steadily worked her way through the crowd of fighting marines and pirates to get to her two idiotic brothers who were fighting alongside each other.

Right as she got to where she could see them clearly she saw Akainu heading towards her baby brother with a magma fist and her only living older brother move in front of their crybaby baby brother.

She started to run so fast she looked like a black and red blur as marines and pirates alike moved out of the way out of fear, confusion and surprise.

Unknown to Estonia, the red eyes that she was so well known for had started glowing as her anger and desperation started to reach her magic barriers.

The earth cracked underneath her as she ran so fast that if anyone had been able to see anything other an a red and black blur then they would have seen her practically flying towards her two brothers.

Right before Akainu hit Ace with his attack, there was a sudden bright flash of light and everyone was teleported to a large room fit for royalty.

Akainu fell to the ground as he felt someone forcibly putting out his attack.

Everyone that had been hurt in the war currently going on was suddenly completely healed. No injuries, no scars, no markings, nothing.

Estonia fell to the ground as all of her energy disappeared, her injuries were healed and all of her muscles were relaxed.

Everyone started shouting at each other as the Royalty Pirates reunited.

Suddenly everybody was teleported to specific seats with a noticeable seperation of the marines and the pirates with the members of the Revolutionary Army being in between the two completely opposite opposing parties.

Two men appeared in the front of the room making many people immediately start demanding answers or just plain shouting.

Estonia stared at the two men in confusion as she tightly held her baby brother after thoroughly checking him and Ace over for any injuries.

She had the distinct feeling that she knew these two men yet she had never seen either.

However when they gave their names is when she finally recognized them.

"I am Huginn-" " -and I am Muninn." " We are the gods of thought and memory and are known as King Odin's two ravens. "

Silence. Estonia stared at the two men in front of her in absolute, complete shock.

Estonia's close friends and family reacted similarly. Luffy especially reacted to the two gods presence by wrapping his arms around his older sister and slightly burying his face in her chest.

"May I speak a daring question?" Estonia asked, suddenly perfectly calm and emotionless as she looked straight into the eyes of the God of Memories.

Huginn looked at the young woman with curiosity and respect before turning towards his brother, silently asking him if it was a good idea.

Muninn nodded a single, harsh nod towards his twin brother who's lips twitched upwards before turning back to the mortals.

While the two god's were silently communicating, the rest of the room had gone deathly quiet out of fear and shock that this young female rookie pirate had just spoken to and stared at the God of Memories.

Ace was shaking her and Luffy who had wrapped his whole body around hers and buried his face into her neck and shoulder with a few silent fear-induced tears escaping his wide, black eyes that were so different from his beloved sisters own.

One Piece Watches Estonia's MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now