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As mentioned in the description, my au has several different oc's.

The main oc is Monkey D. Estonia, who is the older twin sister of Luffy.

Luffy and Estonia share the title of Captain because Luffy is very attached to Estonia and doesn't feel happy when he thinks that his older sister has a lower rank than him but at the same time he doesn't want to follow his sisters words as law.

The Strawhat Pirates are known as the Royalty Pirates in my au due to the fact that the twins don't have much in common except the fact that they have a similar dream.

My OC's names and their professions:

Tarra: First owner of the Earth-Earth devil fruit

Gol D. Salute: Former Queen of Pirates, older twin sister of Gol. D Roger, stepsister to Portgas Rouge, aunt to Portgas D. Ace, adoptive mother of Mona D. Ophelia and adoptive stepmother of Red Hair Shanks

Mona D. Ophelia: Daughter of unknown, adopted daughter of Gol D. Salute, wife of Red Hair Shanks, childhood friend of Buggy the Clown and Red Hair Shanks, died by being shot in the head and heart by two different marines

Monkey D. Estonia: Daughter of Queen Imu-Sama (no I don't really agree with this theory because it doesn't make that much sense but I put it in this au because I wanted Estonia to have her eyes and aura) and Monkey D. Dragon, granddaughter of Monkey D. Garp, younger sister to Outlook Sabo and Portgas D. Ace, older twin sister of Monkey D. Luffy, former slave to the Celestial Dragons, the Queen Captain of the Royalty Pirates and so on

Viola: Childhood friend of Monkey D. Estonia, the twins,  Carol, Lilliana and Scarlett Miriam, lesbian, marine, owner of the Crystal-Crystal Fruit

Jie Gongzhu: Childhood friend of Monkey D. Estonia,Viola, Carol, Lilliana and Scarlett Miriam, adopted twin sister of Kai Zheng, lesbian, marine, uses a long and thin sword that has an odd handle

Kai Zheng: Childhood friend of Monkey D. Estonia, Viola, Carol, Lilliana and Scarlett Miriam, adopted twin brother of Jie Gongzhu, gay, marine, has a smoking problem, owner of the Siren-Siren Fruit, uses a beautiful white flute that has gold, bronze and green details on it

Carol: Childhood friend of Monkey D. Estonia, Viola, the twins, Lilliana and Scarlett Miriam, pansexual, bartender, secret spy and information gatherer for the Revolutionary Army

Lilliana: Childhood friend of Monkey D. Estonia, Viola, the twins, Carol and Scarlett Miriam, asexual and straight, member of the Revolutionary Army

Scarlett Miriam: Childhood friend of Monkey D. Estonia, Viola, the twins, Carol and Lilliana, bisexual, bounty hunter, blind

I haven't figured out the names of the crew members yet so I'll just tell you some of the oc pirate crews I came up with:

The Ancient Rouge Pirates

The Crimson Peacock Pirates

The Black Shadow Pirates

The Insane Lion Pirates

The Samurai Tiger Pirates

The Wild Wolf Pirates

The Rose Kitsune Pirates

Final thing: There will be mentions of rape, whipping, child abuse, killing, severe training, blood, gruesome descriptions and some other stuff I don't remember at the moment. If you're sensitive to any of these things please be aware of this and stay if you want to keep reading or leave my story.

550 words

Finished at 12:52 PM on Wednesday, July 26th of 2023

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