'I fucking hate you, but i love you.' - Tyler, the creator

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I woke up on a really warm pillow, actually it was too hard to be considered a pillow. I lifted my head up to see what i was laying on and i saw Bill sleeping, he had his arms wrapped around me as i was on his chest. I smiled softly to myself knowing that i can trust him.

I got up as carefully as i could without waking him up. I saw my blanket on the floor so i picked that up and started to change the sheet once i saw the blood stain.

I quickly took the sheet off and put my blanket over bill so he wasn't cold and went downstairs to throw the duvet cover away in the outside bins since i knew the stain wouldn't come out.

Once i came back inside i saw Bill coming downstairs.

"Good morning." I said to him, laughing once i saw the state of his hair. It was all over the place and his makeup was smudged.

"Don't start." He replied back laughing too as he rubbed his eyes then widened them once he saw his black eyeshadow all over his fingers.

"Oh jesus.." He mumbled.

"Want breakfast?" i asked him while walking over to my fridge and looked inside to see what i could make.

"Uh yes." He replied with a sassy tone as he sat down on a stool infront of the kitchen island.

I chuckled as i took some eggs and bacon out of the fridge and a pan from the drawers. I placed the eggs and bacon on the counter as i put the pan on the stove, turning on the heat as i searched for oil. I finally found it then poured a good amount in the pan and waited for it to sizzle.

I caught Bill staring at me with a sad look in his eyes. "What?" I asked him.

"How are you?" He asked me as he tilted his head slightly to the side.

I looked at him as i thought about how i felt right now. "Better. Thank you, Bill. For everything." I told him with a warm, small smile.

"No need to thank me." He said as he got up off the stool, walked up to me and opened his arms for a hug. I smiled and hugged him then felt him wrap his arms around me.

"You're such a good friend. Im so lucky to have you." I told him as i placed my head on his chest as he was taller than me.

"Im even luckier to have you." I heard him say and i knew he was smiling by the tone of his voice.

We both pulled away and he sat back down as i started to cook the eggs and bacon. Me and Bill were just having a conversation about the most random stuff, it was really fun because we cracked up some jokes too.

Once i was finished i put some on a plate for me and Bill. I handed a plate to Bill then sat next to him and we started to eat.

"These are so good what the hell." Bill told me with a mouthful of bacon while holding a thumbs up.

"It's just eggs and bacon." I giggled at his reaction.

He shrugged as we continued eating. Once we finished i grabbed both our plates and washed them as we had a conversation. He was really shocked once i told him i could play guitar, piano and i could sing.

"WHAT?! SINCE WHEN?" He yelled with his jaw dropped.

"Since ages ago, mabye since i was 12? Im not sure though so.." I replied back as i laughed at his reaction.

"How am i only finding this out now?!" He yelled but quieter.

"I don't know." I giggled as i replied back.

BLIND LOVE - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now