Narrator's Epilogue.

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My dear reader the end has come and the moment of death for my mother has already happened. Nothing will ever be the same after this monent, a death is a big deal but dark magic is a bigger deal. Clearly, this is only the start of our story and clearly there is much more to be revealed overtime.

Confusion must be filling my readers, but I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sure we didn't get the ending we'd hoped, but this is a real story of Elyria and that's how life goes; it ends.

I'm only allowing myself to state one thing:

The strange man who saved my parents is not a vampire at all, and he may be known as an "extinct" creature. He is behind a lot of the mystery at the beginning of our next story, the only explanation that is not revealed for a very long time. You must not forget him.

Lastly, I must recap that every detail in this story will connect to the next. Our crazed Hunters, backstories of our characters, Estelle's father, the Prophecy, Nenook, Queen Angelina's death, the strangers in the Donnan Castle, and my mothers death. And of course me, the little rabbit friend!

Now it's time for me to go, it's been a pleasure...


My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن