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After our more serious discussions with the Royals, the formality has gotten to me. My weariness of them have not dulled at all and I become on edge more than ever. I want his family to accept me, but I'm being ignored by everyone except the Queen. Staying on good terms with her will be my first goal, and I'll have to find ways to praise her just to be safe.

Soon enough Queen Angelina has made arrangements for a Royal Guard to search for Perry's slave papers. The Guard will report back a day from now, and will hopefully have somebody we can meet with.

Secondly she sends Romi off to find somebody to clean a handful of bedrooms in the Royal Quarters, stating that no servants are allowed there unless they're personally permitted by her for the time being.

"Now being past midnight, I assume you are hungry?" The Queen asks Perry and I.

We nod.

"I will arrange for an early dinner in order for you both to get accustomed to our schedule and still have time to sleep. While your rooms are getting cleaned you can leave your belongings here."

In the meantime we have some time to kill, according to the other vampires, yet I'm getting exhausted. It is well over my bedtime but Perry tells me we have to stay up so we can get on vampire schedule, which I know nothing about but try my best to understand.

They tell us we must meet again in the front hall for dinner, but don't mention where and when. Dinner will be great but really to me it's going to be an extremely early breakfast. I glance at Perry with confusion but he seems to understand the vague explanation.

Before exiting the Queen announces, "I'd enjoy all of us to attend this dinner. We are in need of a much informal dinner to get acquainted."

After everyone's departure I sigh feeling lost, "What is this schedule we're talking about?"

"Our nocturnal schedule is more simple than they make it out to be. They're just being a little pretentious because you're not used to vampire hours. Truly, it's similar to what your used to with times. The only difference is that ours changes through the year because the star schedule does as well."

I understand, "So just like Earth, this planet's sunrise and sunset changes."

"Star set." He corrects me. I shake my head, still having the hardest time not calling our star a sun. "Yes, other than the fact that our winter's are not as dark as an Earthen one. The times aren't as drastically different on Elyria than they are on Earth, comparing through the seasons."

"They must think I'm stupid." I admit my discomfort.

He groans, "Oh they're just not used to having someone of a different kind here. It's rare to have a non-vampire visiting, especially an unannounced Elyrian. Your kind can be intimidating to us vampires."

I'm in disbelief, "How would that be possible?" Perry scruffs his eyebrows, unable to read my mind so I add, "Your kind is so strong. So powerful. Why would I be intimidating?"

"We may be able to sniff out your kind; such as any, but we can't sniff out your powers. Your powers are so individualized that we have to expect anything from you. I felt the same when I first laid eyes on you, considering you killed an alpha werewolf. Now I know why, you have quick reflexes and the potential to be very agile."

I become paralyzed at the sight of him, experiencing this awe stricken feeling I felt the moment we met. I smile for once, unsure how to take the compliment but I know he means it. I hop into a daze, remembering the moment he entered that small prison.

When I wanted him to come closer the rest for the world around me stopped. All of the sound calmed and a comforting silence filled my ears. I begun having this tunnel vision, having the rest of the room fade away. My body felt no pain or tiredness. Our heart beats fell into sync, I hear the thump.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Where stories live. Discover now