Narrator: Part Nine

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Life has been taking a turn for a while now, but don't be fooled that things will get better anytime soon. I never mensioned it would end on a good note. After all, this is the story about how my mother died.

Please pay mind to the other perspectives of my family members because they who hold an important role in the story as well. This dream in particular of Uncle Luke's is the event that changes the course of the future forever, although I tried to prevent it from happening; then again you can't go against the three rules of magic.


Lynn and I treck through the wooded forest, following close behind Abe and Leddy. We've already made our way out of Province and through the portal, so now all we have to do is find the location we're searching for.

The two walk for a while, forcing us to step through larger pricker plants and fallen logs. The dense area is a pain, and will take us much longer to go through. I don't understand why we've chosen to go this route.

Suddenly my friends stop ahead. A pit forms in my stomach as I see the block in the path...well, more like mountainside.

The cliff is nothing we can scale, and it's so wide we're unable walk around. For the first time in my life while being with Leddy and Abe I believe we're lost.

"Lets face it, we're lost." I admit, my body overcoming with panic.

Leddy chuckles, "I know my Elyrian geography better than Earth's."

I roll my eyes, "Lets go back this way..."

The group follows my lead, as we rush through the shrubbery. My clothes catch on branches of bushes and I almost trip over a fallen log. I dodge trees, trying to carve a path for us to follow that's not so dense. My breathing is heavy but I force myself to continue, fearing the consequences if we stop.

The need to get to our destination eats away at me, causing a sudden fear to ping in my chest. I know that if we don't get there in time something is going to happen.

For a while we run, but then start changing direction as we all become confused on where to go. We all stop again, understanding that getting more lost in the forest isn't going to bring us closer the Hunters' base.

Without warning I catch sight of a little figure ahead of us that appeared out of thin air. I'm thrilled, recognizing the woman from pictures I've seen around my grandparent's home.

I run forward with relief, at the sight of my great grandmother who has been dead for at least twenty years. I never got the chance to meet her, but knowing she's here now changes everything.

The people behind me stand frozen, not ready to approach so I leave them behind.

"Can you tell us where to go?"

The woman points a frail finger my right, "Luke, you'll recognize the boulders."

I nod in agreement imagining a set of two boulders in the middle of a bigger open space in the forest. Not too far off past them is a road that leads to the Hunters secret base.

"Oh right."

Why didn't I think of that?

"Luke you need to listen to me before you go..."

With a clearer mind, and readiness to go rescue my family I become antsy.

"You have to go there immediately!"

"That's what I'm trying to do." I argue.

"Luke, when the right moment comes you need to go Earth and save them."


"Everybody. You must save them, please!"

"I will."

"Look around..."

I do as she asks without question, memorizing the forest around me and recalling where I came from. I look in the direction she points, and know I have to find the landmarks that lead to the gravel road. I will remember it.

She adds, "You will have to lead the way, Luke. It's on you this time. I believe in you."

I want to say more, ask more, learn more but instead my mind becomes a fog and everything fades away.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu