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Before the doors can even swing shut I'm catching a glimpse of the man's face, only noticing a short dark beard that reflects a reddish tint at the chin. The hood of the black cloak prevents me from seeing any other parts of the man's face.

An epiphany fills me with dread, being reminded of that cloaked figure who'd been watching me in the city. There's a strong possibility this is the same person, I'd have a hard time believing he wasn't.

I knew I wasn't crazy, he is real.

I'm not entirely fearful but am left speechless, more intrigued than anything. When he's only two yards away he begins muttering under his breath in an unrecognizable language.

He lifts his right hand up, pointing a small stick-like object at us. The fear that he killed the Queen makes me shudder, and at this moment in time I believe Perry and I are done for.

"Please, don't hurt us, please! I'll do anything to save his life..."

The man doesn't respond, he doesn't move an inch. I only observe with helplessness as a small ball forms at the end of the object in his hand. I stare for a moment, trying to make sence of the inexplicable sorcery he is conducting.

It gets brighter like a flashlight in the day-time, causing me to cover my face with my hands out of terror. I retreat, bending over in an attempt to hide in Perry's arms. Believing this is the end I grap Perry's limp hand overtop of the thin tablecloth, shaking it to get his attention.

"We're going to die here."

A faint voice sounds inside my head, "You have to leave...I can't protect you."

Not questioning that I'd leave Perry for a second, I squeeze him tight while tears stream from my face. I'm cold and shaking uncontrollably, my mind racing through everything Perry and I have been through together. I don't want this to end now, we didn't get to live yet.

A big ball of light comes flying towards us, and I squeeze my eyes shut bracing myself for an inevitable death. I hear a thud against the ground, and Perry's body slipping from my grip. But instead of any sort of pain that I'd prepared to endure I blink up, hearing the man rushing close to us. He stands above me reaching out to me but I don't move, confused to why I wasn't disintegrated or torn to pieces.

I dread to peek over my shoulder, afraid that Perry has turned to ash now. I become incompassed in my emotions, feeling a horrendous anxiety, mournfullness, rage, and defeat.

The strangers voice is deep, "Can you help lift him?"

My mouth falls open out of relief and I nod promptly, my mission to save the vampire arising once more. I throw every emotion out the window, dispite the fact that my body and brain are not fully corresponding. I look, seeing Perry's body still intact under the sheet. He's in a ball on the ground, not moving but not dead.

The man reaches his hand out to mine and I don't have the chance to hesitate before he takes control and lifts me up himself, "Are you well?"

I nod once, still bewildered, then spinning around as the man releases me. The both of us work and lifting Perry, who's unconcious and only breathing short breaths. My legs shake, threatening to give out at any moment.

My lover doesn't wake as we lift him up, the man beside me easily able to carry most of Perry's weight. The stranger is notably taller, towering over the both of us. I shake Perry's shoulder hoping to make him aware of the current events.

We go forward, Perry's bare feet dragging against the ground. I do my best to keep him lifted taking ahold of his side even tighter, but he's still bigger than me. Out of breath I huff, feeling fatigue kick in.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن