May The Universe Be In Our Favor. CHAPTER FOURTY-SEVEN

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Days have passed since I have last seen Perry but it has felt like an eternity. My mind is in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I'm over the moon that I'm going to see him again, yet I'm hesitant considering I've heard there's a Hunter who operates outside of the building on Earth.

This makes me weary the person will find us, although I know the Head Hunter is dead. None of those men were awfully smart, but knowing this outside man never traveled to the building once, makes me understand he could be much smarter than the men we had to deal with.

Secondly, I'm egar to get to Dibbly so I can prevent anything from happening to Perry. My fear of the dream coming true makes me unable to function correctly, making me antsy. I must not waste any time getting to the Donnan Castle.

It would take too long to send a letter to the Donnan's, and it would take even longer for them to send an escort to bring me back to Dibbley. So, showing up unannounced with Abe and Leddy will have to do. Furthermore, if Perry is in danger than I need back up.

My body aches even though the three of us are hardly a half hour into the walk. Just outside of Province City where the businesses have thinned and small homes stand, we rush but not too fast, hoping to avoid any suspicion.

The walk is just as exhausting as I remembered, even more so regarding the four hours of sleep I received. The dead silence is killing me, but I have nothing to talk about. My mind travels faster than the world is existing, making the walk seem sluggish and unrealistic.

I take a long breath in hopes to hold back my emotions. Watching Perry burn to a pile of ash is an image I have pictured in my brain. Such helplessness reminds me of my real life, watching my sister take her last breaths yesterday.

Like a horror film, memories flash through my head. I see the piles of men that were on the floor of the torture chambers. The ones that where face down aren't as alarming as the ones laying on their backs with their lifeless eyes open; staring.

All of them had fallen to the floor so distinctively, some with uncomfortable looking positions, and others with broken bones and gashes in their bodies. The floor was stained with blood; pools, splatters, handprints, trails, and shoe prints. I feel chills covering my body, though the air is the warmest I've felt it yet.

Watching Leddy and Luke torture the Head Hunter to death could have been the most traumatic part. After he was strapped into the chair, Leddy tied his neck with a strangulation device connected to the wood. It was just enough to keep him from talking, and I can still recall his gasps.

As Leddy was grasping knives and two tong-looking objects Luke moved from his knees beside Jane in a fit of rage. In the dimly lit room I could tell how red his ears were. I could see his heavy breathing and the blood splattered on his shirt.

He snatched the bloody knife on the floor that was still fresh with Jane's blood. His eyes didn't even take a second glance at the object before he aimed it at the vulnerable Hunter. I watched the evil man's eyes widen, and suddenly I felt pity.

When Luke released the knife from his hands I could hear the weapon piercing through the air for a mere second. When it pierced the Hunter's stomach with a thunk I flinched.

At first I thought that was all, only until Leddy put herself into the picture. My eyes focus on the terrifying woman, leading the way out of town. The hair on the back of my neck stands up on end. Out of all people I have met in my life so far, she is the most mental. The woman is so ruthless and unpredictable that she could make anybody fear her.

The moment is still so clear in my mind I can recall it to the last detail. She never hesitated once to grab ahold of the knife in the mans stomach, twisting it casually like a doorknob. The man let out a moan, giving her time to shove an object down his throat.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang