episode 61 - he is obsessed with her

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Sanskar go inside one room see swara's very personal photos on laptop wallpaper he immediately close it before anyone see it coming inside see everywhere only swara's pics seeing this one thing is confirmed that scollette son is obsessed with swara and wants her he don't know that whom they were searching that's swara only just then all boys also come behind sanskar to call him that they should leave but seeing swara's photographs everywhere in the room they get shocked seeing it no wall is left where swara's pics wasn't there sanskar close his eyes in frustration he have to keep swara away from this matter because scollette son is looking psycho he can't let swara involved in this matter anymore after he finished maya he gonna warn swara to stay away from this matter he can't afford to loose her
Abhi - what's exactly this is (sanskar didn't turn back hearing abhi) i mean they were searching shona for something eles only who did this sahil no he kept her with him for this much year just to take out his frustration and anger
Sanskar - this is done by scollette other son have a look (pointed toward the wall where written do not enter by KSJ all looks on reading the sentence sanskar look toward swara's pics it's after there wedding also and some are before wedding when he wasn't knowing anything about her he look toward all the pics carefully)

Sanskar go inside one room see swara's very personal photos on laptop wallpaper he immediately close it before anyone see it coming inside see everywhere only swara's pics seeing this one thing is confirmed that scollette son is obsessed with swar...

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