Ep. 6: Rest & Reminiscing

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Papyrus and Frisk both chatted happily as they made their way back to the cabin Papyrus shared with his brother. Frisk began explaining her plan to set everyone free to the tall skeleton who listened eagerly and offered support. The young human didn't tell him about what Chara had done to the code and caused a RESET. She didn't want to overwhelm him with too many details or even frighten him. She instead chose to wait until Sans was around to help break down the subject.

"SO, YOU'RE ON THIS EPIC QUEST TO BREAK THE BARRIER AGAIN?" exclaimed Papyrus "WOWIE!! I OFFER YOU ALL MY SUPPORT! I BELIEVE YOU CAN CONQUER EVERYONE ELSE ONE MORE TIME, HUMAN!" He was surely excited to help Frisk on her journey to escape the Underground a second time.

Frisk nodded as they entered the cozy home. Inside, Sans sat on the couch as he spoke to someone over the phone. He didn't notice his brother and the human entering. "That's exactly what I'm going to do, Papyrus." Frisk told the tall skeleton "I have to do this so we can all enjoy the festivities of the Underground Ethnicity Celebration. I hardly know anything about how this happened, but I have a feeling Flowey was behind it. I just know it."

Papyrus nodded as Frisk explained her plan. As soon as Sans was off the phone, he came to help explain the recent events. "i just talked to uniqua and hothead. they are doing some research to find something we can use to fix this mess." the shorter skeleton told them. They were glad the mystic siblings remembered everything and were willing to help already.

"That's great, Sans. I'm happy they're in on this." Frisk began "I don't have to try to remind them. How have they been handling the RESET, though? I know Mettaton has forgotten everything and doesn't know the mystics exist anymore."

Sans could only shake his head with a solemn look. "they aren't taking it well." he spoke "they miss being able to fly around and do way more with their music and powers. they miss the lives they had on the surface. i guess they really have a reason to help solve this. they just want to go back as much as we do."

Frisk listened to what Sans had said about Uniqua and her brother. She knew they wanted to escape this mountain again and she was determined to make that possible. "After I get Mettaton to remember, I'll ask if he'd like to go over and see them. Once he remembers, I bet he'll miss hanging out with them."

"HE'LL MISS UNIQUA THE MOST. I KNOW IT." Papyrus chimed in "THEY WERE DATING, WEREN'T THEY? SURELY, HE MUST FEEL A PING OF LONELINESS EVEN IF HE DOESN'T REMEMBER." Sans and Frisk were hoping he was right. But they couldn't confirm it yet. The young human still had a ways to go until reaching Hotland.

"You could be right, Pap." Frisk said, turning to Papyrus "We'll just wait until I meet him. That might be one of the things I'll ask him about." Frisk knew it would take quite a bit of work, but she was willing to do her best to convince Mettaton. He wouldn't want to admit it at first. Not on his shows yet.

The skeleton brothers decided to help Frisk prepare and plan for the journey ahead. Undyne won't be holding back at all once she sees the human girl passing through Waterfall. Then, those who inhabited Hotland would be a little stronger and Mettaton would go about trying to kill Frisk. As they mapped out a safe path for the child, Papyrus went to cook up some pasta to make sure Frisk wouldn't be leaving on an empty stomach.

The TV played reruns of Mettaton's shows in the background. Frisk watched the robot roll around on his wheel, dancing as if he had legs. She tried not to imagine the pain her equine friend could be feeling if she was watching the same show right now. But it was difficult. Knowing all her efforts and progress getting them together had been erased so easily was enough reason to continue forward and break the barrier.

Meanwhile in another part of the cavern, a young mare was indeed watching the same reruns in her room. She was still partially in her armor since she had just gotten back from patrolling her kingdom, checking for any crime or signs of outsiders. The wall that separates the Wonder Kingdom from the rest of the Underground protected her people as long as no one climbed it, destroyed it, or found any entrances and she knew a monster or human could stumble upon one by chance. She knew her people would panic if they ever saw one and she had to be strong enough to tackle such an issue. Right now, she wasn't feeling her strongest. She was stuck reminiscing about the previous timeline.

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