"I will, In Sha Allah, please take care of her" he said referring to Assar as the elderly woman nodded

"Aunty please take care of yourself nothing will happen to Assar, remember you'll have to be strong for her ko" he said getting up to meet Hajiya Aminah as she just looked at him weakly

"What has my daughter done to deserve this?" She said and breakdown again as he hugged her trying to comfort her with encouraging words.

After making sure the woman was calm he bid them both goodbye before leaving the house.

Arriving at his house he goes straight to his mother and tell her every single thing that happened, after giving him a clear explanation on the nature of good and bad jinns and telling him what black magic could do to a person and how to get rid of it Umar felt himself a bit calm now, he felt all his fear wash away the moment his mum told him they can only over power you if you're scared of them.

Now he felt the responsibility of protecting Assar and being scared of those jinns isn't something he could do now, explaining everything else to Kabir, Kabir started feeling concerns for his brother and asking him to no longer involve himself.

Kabir had already suspected that Umar will eventually develop feelings for Assar which was something he was patiently waiting for but now black magic was involved he wanted his brother to just mind his business to avoid getting hurt, whoever it was that was sending those evil jinns wasn't playing around and would do anything to get what they want not caring who gets hurt along the line.

After a little advice from Kabir to Umar and Umar telling him his plan on not backing down especially with Assar involved Kabir just accepts everything and promised to pray for them, having a small conversation after that and them bidding themselves goodnight to go sleep.

(Halima's POV)

I wondered what that stupid Umar was doing here, oh my God his going to get me bursted and the way he looked at me I'm sure he suspected something.

I looked over at Arman sleeping next to me good thing the powder is working, everything was working even what I planned for Assar but that Umar came and spoilt everything, she was supposed to be dead after 7 days if she remained in that room alone but that Umar came and took her out.

Why didn't the jinns kill him, that Malam told me that the jinns would kill anyone who interfered even if it was me so why didn't the jinns kill Umar or did the Malam lie to me.

I finally got myself dressed up, I called and told the Malam everything that happened earlier and he asked me to come see him by 11pm sharp, I had to put Arman to sleep and that useless old hag the jinns had currently possessed locked up so she won't try to run after Umar.

I have to meet the Malam I need a back up plan and a clear explanation on why Umar was able to survive that. Walking outside the house I get into one of Arman's cars which I had access to and drive straight to the Malam house, arriving there it's as usual other married women walking out of the house guessing they must have done what the Malam asked of them.

I walked into the house and there's still a small line, it's 7 women before me and the door closes after I get in which means I'll be the last today, given a seat I sat and waited till it was my turn.

The women goes into the room one after the other and come out after 30 mins with a black nylon.

I looked at the time and it was 2:22am with the last woman still in the room after her was me and well she had 8 mins left before she's out of the room.

Arman and Assar.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें