Party Of Corpses: Act 4 - I have no mouth and I must scream

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Nzube had opened the cockpit of Michaelis, that battle against the terrorist destroyed the entire camera of his AC leaving him no other option but to leave himself exposed to the heat outside, the damaged craft is slowly making it's way to the current base of operations of Brex's Police Force, which is the outside of the Synthesis Dynamics building. car drivers are in awe as the 5 meter tall AC walks alongside them on the road. Nzube had been walking for more than 6 hours since his last battle, the damage in his boosters was too great and Nzube would rather not risk blowing himself up inside his own machine. However, 5th gen ACs are known for not being very good walkers. The smoke coming from the Synthesis Dynamic could be seen from a distance, Nzube could already tell that the battle the police units had with the hostile Next was catastrophic, maybe that's why they decided to contract him, a raven, to help them. He doesn't trust the police force very much, he knows that most of it is corrupted, he knows what type of scum is in there.
"Hey mister, you need help getting somewhere? That machine isn't getting anywhere with that speed"
Nzube looks down, a truck driver is offering to help bring Nzube to his objective faster.
"Is that truck gonna be able to handle the weight of my AC?"
"Don't worry mister, this truck was specifically made for transportation of first generation, second generation, third generation and fifth generation ACs and MTs. Just park it in the back"
"I'm pretty sure you skipped a generation there"
"Oh, you're talking about the Nexts? They're too big and heavy for this type of truck"
"Nexts sure are something..."
Nzube drives Michaelis towards the truck's trailer, it fits the machine perfectly.
"Hey mister, are you gonna stay there? it can get pretty dark inside"
Nzube moves both hands of Michaelis to the ceiling of the trailer, the hands grab the ceiling and rip it in half, cars move out of the way.
"I'll stay here, just drive to the main Synthesis Dynamics building and give me a beep when we arrive there. I'll be sleeping for a while"
"That ceiling repair is gonna cost me a shitload of money.... god damn it"
The truck driver goes to the front of his vehicle and enters the driver seat, already on his way to the SD building with a regretful expression.
At the current base of operations, officer Jackson questions why Jane chose to contract a Raven for this mission even though they already had a pretty capable pilot.
"Why don't we just call Alex? His Next can probably destroy that unmanned Next with ease. We've seen him in battles several times, he's clearly the best choice to take down that thing"
"Alex's Specter is still being repaired, contracting a Raven will make this mission easier for us and him when his Next is fully repaired. I checked Nzube's background, his strategic thinking can help us in overcoming Nineball Archangel. I saw footage of some of his battles, I see how skilled he is."
"But Jane, he has a 5th gen like the rest of us! His AC can easily be defeated by that Next, are you crazy?!"
"Calm down, I found that his AC suffered severe damage from a fight that happened during our fight with Archangel. I'll make him pilot Nineball Cherubim"
"Is he even compatible with the AMS system? He's not a Lynx like Alex is!"
"Don't worry. He has a very high mission success rate, there's a high possibility that he's compatible with the AMS system"
Jane's phone suddenly starts beeping, it's a call from Alex.
"Hey Jane, the repairs on my Next are already done, I'll drive it towards there"
As Jane talks with Alex on her phone, the loud beep of a truck's horn interrupts their conversation.
"Looks like our other guest arrived"
Nzube parks Michaelis near the police units and closes the cockpit with screws, he wouldn't want his machine to be tampered by corrupt cops. Jane ends her call with Alex midconversation and greets Nzube.
"So you're the one they call the phantom, I heard a lot about you. Please help us stop Nine-"
"How much"
Nzube interrupts Jane.
"How much will I get payed"
"Is 5901 C's good?"
"More than that. I want enough C's to repair Michaelis"
"79000 C's?"
"Mission accepted. What's your plan to catch that unmanned Next?"
Jane grabs Nzube's right shoulder and points to Nineball Cherubim.
"We've been tracking it using that Next since it's escape, you are the one who will pilot that. Don't worry, I have a manual that explains how to pilot a Next"
"Jane, this is not my first time piloting a machine like that"
"You've piloted a Next before?! But there's no information about that on the web or any records"
"I remember it like yesterday, I was sent to collect and retrieve several capsules belonging to Mercury Heavy Industries in the Amazon rainforest, those capsules had fallen out of a cargo helicopter which was shot down by ACs of criminals factions, my Michaelis was in the same state he currently is now. MHI was generous enough to give me a Next, the AMS system was compatible with me, however it was a very low compatibility and I could only fly for a limited time. The Next was a reversed-legged pink and white next equipped with a moonlight blade and a machine gun, two chain guns were mounted on it's back. When I arrived at the amazon rainforest at midnight, several first gen ACs were guarding the capsules, the Next that I was piloting easily overpowered them, but it took a lot of hits from bullets. I managed to safely collect the capsules and bring them to vehicles belonging to MHI. They took the damaged Next and repaired Michaelis for me"
"Interesting, anyways let's get back to the main objective"
Nzube walks towards Nineball Cherubim, Jane follows behind. Nzube stares at the machine, he really likes the vibrant paintjob.
"You must be the Raven, I'll get down now"
A policeman leaves the cockpit of Cherubim, he's been monitoring Archangel's location through Cherubim's gps.
"So I'll be the one who pilots that Next... but why me exactly? Weren't there any other ravens available?"
"I've seen your battles and your strategic way of dealing with battles, the story that you just told me gives me hope, you're the perfect raven to aid Alex"
"Alex? Who's Alex?"
"He's the most skilled pilot in the entire police force. He's been in the police force for a quite a while, my records say that he was an orphan who lived in the slums of Brex, he left the slums after being captured during a terrorist attack. The attack was caused by a first gen AC belonging to a criminal organization known as Disposables, this criminal organization captured kids and forced them into becoming child soldiers who would pilot AC's. He was captured by Disposable and forced into becoming a soldier, taking several lives along the way. His life has been filled with death and tragedy since childhood, being forced to kill other human beings for the benefits of Disposable, there doesn't seem any records or pictures of his parents. My police force managed to destroy the entirety of Disposable five years ago and we freed the children from it's grasp, we met Alex some years later. He wanted to atone for his sins, by fighting against the corruption that plagued the city and the police force, he's currently 27 years old and has been with us for quite a while. However, Three whole years of his life seem to have been completely wiped out, he's still filled with guilt for all the lives he's taken, probably wants a fresh start"
"I haven't met him yet, but I know what that is like. Being forced to kill for the benefits of people that don't give a damn about your life and only want their pockets full"
While talking with Jane, Nzube climbs a ladder to reach Cherubim's cockpit, he's never seen something like it's cockpit. It's spherical shape, the interior is filled with screens detailing each function of the Next, he sits inside, getting used to the controls. The Next takes it's first step with it's right leg, Jane and some policemen move out of the way.
"I can get used to this..."
He activates the boosters of the machine, both of it's legs grinding against the ground while also turning some parked cars upside down with each hit, the experiences from the mission in the amazon rainforest provided him with great knowledge on how to pilot a Next, he suddenly gets a call from the communication device inside the cockpit.
"Nzube, it's me Jane, check Archangel's gps signal"
Nzube looks down, a small screen display shows a 2D view of the entire city, a red blip is moving around in zigzags above several buildings, Archangel.
"Is this Archangel really that smart?"
"What are you seeing?"
"It's just moving around in circles above buildings, I can't predict where it will go. Does the police unit have any flying machines with good cameras?"
"We don't have any units capable of flying that high, I could order one of my AC units to climb a building near Archangel's location but that would put the structure at high risk, I can't involve civilians in this mess. I'll need to borrow an Helicopter"
Far away from the Synthesis Dynamics huildings, Archangel flies around, somehow managing to stay in the air without it's energy depleting.
"Searching files of projects created by the following corporations: Lumintek, Mercury Heavy Industries, Nova Tech, Synthesis Dynamics...
Projects found:
1. Creation of biological organisms - failed....
2. Integration of ancient mars technology into ACs and Nexts - failed...
3. Biomechanical enhancement of the human body and forced control of the human mind - success...
Checking pictures and video files...
File name: Test Subject Number 18"
Inside Archangel's visor, a video is being displayed. A man lies on a table, completely covered in a blue sheet, while his chest is wide open, exposing everything inside. His mouth is completely covered by a metal mask and severals wires are connected to his head, 4 men in surgical attire enter the room.
"He's in a comatose state, won't wake up for hours or days. Brain activity seems more agitated than normal. Our objective is to replace his lungs with the Plus-Gens which will be used to connect him to a prototype Next developed by Lumintek. He already has a control chip inside the brain, there's no possibility of this test subject going against the orders of the corporations. Use anesthesia on him. I'll remove them by force"
The other 3 surgeons look concerned, not because of how wrong this entire situation is but because they'd rather not risk a valuable test subject.
"We can't do that! The test subject might die!"
"And so what? There are more like him, he's disposable just like the rest that we trafficked"
The man ignores the warning, and forcefully separates the lungs of the test subject from the heart, major blood vessels and the bronchus careless using a rusty pair of scissors, it's already clear to Archangel that these men clearly aren't very professional surgeons.
"Give me the Plus-Gens. I'll insert it quickly"
The man is handed a mechanical device by another surgeon. Archangel zooms in on the video and analyzes it. The device looks very similar to the generator of an AC but smaller, however there's a sharp needle on it's bottom, a strange design that's never been seen in a normal generator. Archangel zooms out.
The man inserts the device where the subject's lungs were, the needle penetrates through his skin and comes out from his back, droplets of blood fall down on the floor.
"Isn't he gonna bleed out?"
"It's a normal procedure during these tests, the needle will automatically close the gap and stop more blood from falling out"
"Now all we need to do is sew his chest back and test the generator, we'll use that special substance the Nova Tech researches created. That substance is very similar to energy used in Nexts"
Archangel fasts forwards the video after the sewing.
"Looks like everything's done, let's wake up sleeping beauty over here, remove the sheets. Let's see how much pain he can endure"
The men pull the sheet covering most of the man in the table, revealing what they had done his body. His arms and legs were a mix of mechanical and biological, most of it was covered in a mechanical shell but there were several translucent areas where muscle was exposed, Mainly the shoulders and the knees.
"Open his mask, we need to feed him"
One of the surgeons opens the mask of the test subject. But that was no mask, they had removed the man's ability to speak properly, his mouth was replaced with a faceplate that could open and be connected to tubes above which would forcefully feed the man.
"Mouth tubes and brain tubes are connected, we'll leave this room and activate him from the one above"
Archangel fasts forwards the video once again.
The tubes connected to the test subject are being filled with a neon blue liquid which is going inside his head and faceplate, Archangel analyzes the liquid but no matches for it are found. The subject is convulsing on the table, his eyes are twitching, his muscles are popping in and out from their mechanical shell. The man falls out from the table and crawls towards the door in front of him, as much as he wants to and try to reach for the doorknob. It's hopeless, He looks at the reflection of himself on the window, terrified by his current state. He rubs over where his mouth should be, but there's nothing. Just the sound of hard steel, he tries to scream for help but nothing comes out. He can no longer cry, a normal life was completely taken away against his will. He tries to reach for the doorknob again, he manages to grabs it, maybe not all is lost, maybe he still has a chance of living a life hidden from society and escaping the hellhole he's stuck in. However his mechanical arms suffer a short circuit caused by the doorknob which knocks him back on the ground. He can no longer do anything, there simply is no way to escape, all he can do is pray for survival. He tries to remove the tubes on the back of the head but it's no use, they're completely screwed on his head, removing them with enough force would've ripped off the entire skin of his head, the blue substance keeps entering the tubes, his muscles are turning blue, the blue substance begins leaking from his eyes, ears and nose. the substance eventually runs out and the man stands in the same spot, kneeled and covered in the blue substance, the video abruptly ends there. Archangel's visor goes back to displaying his current view, it was still floating above the buildings, standing perfectly still. It immediately began searching for faces that matched the men in surgical attire.
"Matches found;
Louis Brandon; Doctor, 45 years old, had no family or known friends, lived in the slums of Brex, was found dead in his own home seven months ago, records suggest an overdose on Ketamine.
Keith Loyd; 38 years old, Lived in an area occupied by Synthesis Dynamics forces, used to be a Surgeon seven years ago, lost his job after killing one of his coworkers while having a mental breakdown, arrested for six months but was freed by an unknown person. Was found dead in his home last year ago, all of his limbs were sliced off. The killer has not been found.
Zackary Lewis; 45 years old, known criminal, trafficked humans to other criminal factions. Mainly Disposable. Died five years ago, records suggest that it was during a shootout against the police force.
Henry Dowski: 50 years old, researcher at Lumintek, is responsible for the integration of AI modules into several 3rd gen ACs. Currently lives the forest area, far away from Brex, the place is a small little house with an underground lab"
Archangel suddenly turns 180° staring at the distant forest, it's visor turns a bright red while it rains.
"Target: Henry Dowski.
Elimination: Necessary"
The Next activates it's overboost flying at crazy speeds towards the forest and shattering the windows of several building it passes by. Back at base of operations, Nzube warns Jane and the police.
"Archangel is moving again, it's headed towards the forest area! Forget the helicopter, Move!"
Nzube activates Cherubim's overboost, the police AC units follow behind, Jane warns Nzube about the forest.
"Be careful out there! That forest is filled with berserk MTs that could catch a pilot off guard!"
"Care if I join in?"
The white Next with purple highlights lands in front of Jane, Alex finally arrived.
"Alex, give backup to Nzube, make sure to put an end to Archangel's madness!"
"Yes sir!"
Specter's overboost opens and it flies towards Nzube and the police units, landing and driving alongside them.
"So you must be Alex, make sure to protect my back"
"Don't worry Nzube, we probably have enough power to take down Archangel"
"Don't get too ahead of yourself, we don't know what Archangel is like exactly. Only that it's an AI machine with a twisted sense of justice. If there any civilians in the forest, please protect them"
"I'll do my best!"
The two Nexts drive alongside each other, with the 5th gens following them behind, the road leading to forest can already be seen. This will be their toughest mission yet.
"I heard your AC, Michaelis, suffered severe damage from a battle that was happening during the Archangel massacre. What happened?"
"I was supposed to protect a transport that contained prototype weapons, but I was caught off guard by a 5th gen AC, my Michaelis suffered severe damage, I did manage to take a picture of it, I'll send it to your photo viewer"
Alex receives the photo, he's immediately surprised by what he sees, the top looks very similar to the heavyweight bipedal from the train attack, but it has quad legs instead of the bipedal legs from that day.
"I recognize this AC!"
"You do?"
"That AC was involved in the terrorist attack that destroyed the bullet train!"
Nzube thinks about the train attack for a second, something feels off, that train had very little importance to the city as a whole. He feels Alex and the police force are hiding something important from the public, he'll keep that in mind, all units receive a call from Jane.
"The entrance to the forest is up ahead, all units activate scan mode and search for Archangel! Cover Nineball Cherubim and Specter! Failure is not an option!"
"Yes sir!"
All units immediately deactivate their boosters, choosing to walk through the forest, Alex gives an order to the police unit.
"Don't activate your boosters until you feel it's safe to do so!"
"We've detected ten MTs ahead! Unmanned Walker types!"
"Nzube, stay here and protect the others, I'll take care of the MTs"
Alex activates the invisibility function of Specter, it only last three minutes and takes 24 hours to recharge. But three minutes is more than enough to take care of the MTs. The MTs are walking back and forth, they seem to be guarding something, Specter crouches on the grass, a sniper rifle in it's right hand, three MTs perfectly align with each other and Alex fires at them, the high speed bullet penetrates through their hard shells, and they fall down like flies.
"Hostile detected! Beginning search!"
The MTs walks towards the direction where the bulleter had come from, only to be blown up by landmines that Alex had deployed.
"I managed to care of them all, bring everyone here"
"You're quite skilled, I see your potential"
"You don't need to be so generous, I just did my job, how distant is Archangel?"
"It's still moving, we'll use the road to reach it, the police units detected several bombs on trees, we can't really fly here, this whole forest is filled with traps above us"
"All units reactivate your boosters and follow the road!"
There's still quite a long way for Alex and Nzube to reach Archangel, the rain is stronger than before.

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