Party Of Corpses: Act 5 - Arms Fort SkyGekko

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Nineball Archangel boosts through the forest, knocking down the trees in it's path and setting off explosions, the MTs in it's path are easily destroyed.
"Target distance: 200 meters..."
Underground, Henry Dowski along with more than 10 researchers watch the devastation being caused by Archangel through the cameras, Henry Dowski turns around and gives an order to the scientists.
"Transport the test subjects to the SkyGekko and destroy the research papers! That Next is coming to our location! Stop the current Human Plus surgeries and burn the bodies!"
"But sir, we still haven't inserted the Plus-Gens!"
"I don't give a damn! Burn the bodies, we can't let evidence about the project be found!"
"We can't do that! They're valuable for our research!"
The scientist keeps arguing with Dowski, the others watch silently with a neutral expression.
"You give me no choice..."
Henry pulls out a revolver hidden under his coat and shoots the scientists three times in the chest, the scientist falls face first on the floor. Henry turns to the other scientists who are shaking in fear.
"I'll say it again! Transport the capsules containing the test subjects to the SkyGekko, burn the subjects that were undergoing the Human Plus Surgery and every research paper and every computer, make sure nothing remains! that thing outside probably brought the police here. I'll activate the security system and the MTs"
"Y-yes sir!"
The scientists exit the room, Dowski analyzes Nineball Archangel, unaware of what it even is, to him, it's just a rogue Next being piloted someone.
Outside Specter, Cherubim and the police units follow the trail of destruction caused by Archangel. More than 5 Heavy MTs get in their way.
"Hostiles detected, activating security protocols"
The MTs activate their shoulders weapons and fire several missiles at the police units, Jane begins shouting through the comms device.
"Those are spread missiles, activate flares!"
The units scatter, their flares blind the missiles which hit the ground, creating small holes. Cherubim fires it's laser rifle at them while evading the missiles using it's superior booster, The MTs are no match for it. Nzube notices something weird, Archangel's gps signal isn't moving, it's stationary 200 meters ahead.
"This our chance, Alex! Order the police units to stay here and be on guard. Looks like Archangel is stationary"
"Yes sir!"
Alex gives the order, Specter and Nineball Cherubim stand side by side, their overboosters opening.
They both shout in unison. Archangel stares at a wooden house, this is the passage to the underground lab. it opens fire against it, the wood is no match for Archangel's bullets. The passage to the lab is an elevator big enough to fit an AC and a Next, perfect for Archangel. Severals wires pop out from Archangel's core, long slender orange and black wires, these wires enter gaps in the elevator's floor, slowly making their way to the elevator's control panel.
"Analyzing system... changing system settings... searching for IDs... IDs found: Henry Dowski... permission granted..."
The elevator descends to the lab, the sky darkens while the rain and wind become even more intense, the elevator then comes to halt, and the area has one scientist walking around, he's carrying research papers.
"Oh god, it's here!"
He tries to run away, but it's no use. Archangel scanned his face for what crimes he had committed and immediately opens fire, ripping him to shreds in a matter of seconds. Unmanned Normals surround the Next, a voice comes out of their speakers, Henry's voice.
"Who are you and how did you even know about this place!?"
"My name matters not, I am the one who will bring judgment to sinners. This world is being corrupted by the likes of you"
"Cut the theatrics! You're definitely a mercenary contracted by those terrorists to kill me!"
"I am no man of flesh, I'm something beyond your comprehension. Today is your judgment day. You will not escape this place.
Archangel's core suddenly opens for a brief moment, revealing that there is no one inside before closing again, Henry is completely sweating while watching through the cameras of the MTs.
"What the hell even are you?! All units open fire, aim for the core!"
Archangel quick boosts out of the enemy fire, the normals turn around quickly by using their boosters but their armor isn't enough to resist Archangel's bullet barrage. Henry loses the connection to all cameras, and slams his fist in the table.
"God damn it!"
Henry exits the security room, running through the large white hallways. The walls turn around, revealing 30 hidden unmanned normals, Henry climbs a ladder that leads to the cockpit of an 048AC-S, a middleweight bipedal equipped with a sniper cannon and a rifle, he immediately gets in contact with the other scientists through the radio.
"How are the preparations going?! we don't have much time!"
"Most of the bodies have been completely turned into ash and we've several c4s in key structures of the base, me and three other scientists are using a cargo truck to transport the dormant test subjects in the capsules, we'll meet up with the others. We lost contact with one of ours however"
Henry's normal makes it way to the hangar, it isn't very fast but it's speed is enough to reach it in time.
"That red Next, it's not being piloted by a human. It's unmanned"
"What?! How is that even possible?! I thought the AI system used in UNACs was incompatible with Nexts!"
"This is something completely different from a normal UNAC. That thing talks, that thing somehow knows what we did with the people brought here"
"I don't really know. How far is the cargo truck from the hangar and is the SkyGekko ready?"
"I can already see the gate to the hangar, the others went to the SkyGekko and got it ready for takeoff, we'll drive the truck inside and operate the turrets of the arms fort. Are you sure that thing won't get here fast?"
"There's 29 normals blocking it's way, I doubt it'll even get past the first 14"
The normals behind Henry filled the halls, they're all 048AC-S models developed by Mercury Heavy Industries.
"Target sighted, aiming..."
The models kneel and aim their sniper cannons at Archangel.
"Calculating bullet trajectory... firing in 3... 2... 1..."
The bullets are all fired at once, the halls aren't big enough for Archangel to use it's boosters and dodge out of their way.
"Temporarily removing restrictions in legs joints..."
Archangel's legs suddenly become very loose, allowing it to slide under the bullets, it spreads it's arms and trips more than 10 Normals like a domino effect.
"Reactivating leg joint restrictions... additional heat signatures detected in the surface... two Next Units... Nineball Cherubim and Unknown..."
Specter and Cherubim stood above a perfect rectangular hole, the elevator had never come back up, Nzube and Alex wondering what the hell this was even doing here.
"Nzube, How deep do you think it is?"
"We'll have to glide down there ourselves to find out"
Jane gets in contact.
"I won't be able to contact you both while you two are in the underground, be careful"
The two Nexts slowly make their descent and glide towards the bottom, Alex and Nzube start a conversation.
"Hey Nzube, how's Archangel gps signal?"
"Still very far from us"
"Damn, do you think there's a chance of this hole flooding?"
"Know that you mention it the rain has gotten pretty intense"
"Nexts are powerful but they're not exactly very waterproof"
"I know about that, my first mission in the police force involved helping several 3rd gen ACs to fight a rogue Next, they lured the Next into the sea and damaged it's boosters. It sinked in the ocean, never to be found again, the pilot was this crazy guy who believed that he was the messiah of this current generation"
"Alex, how much energy does your Specter have?"
Alex checks the energy of his Next, he hadn't been paying attention to the screen displays while talking with Nzube, he has an awkward expression on his face.
Specter's boosters run out of energy and it faceplants into the white floor below, with both arms and one leg twisted behind it's back.
"I'm okay! No need to worry about it, the joints just twisted a little"
Specter slowly stands up, twisting it's arms and leg back to their normal position. Cherubim lands elegantly beside it, Nzube chuckles through the comms.
"Want some help?"
Cherubim grabs Specter's right arm and helps it stand up straight.
"Thanks man"
The two stare at the room in front of them, several destroyed MTs and a dead scientist.
"What the hell is this place?!"
Alex jumps out of Specter's cockpit to check on the scientist, his body is completely shredded and his face is unrecognizable, small scraps of paper are scattered through the floor.
"Alex, did you find anything?"
"Try checking his pockets, see if there's any ID card"
Alex checks every pocket in corpse's clothes and only finds a small piece of the Scientist's ID card, the bullets shattered most of it and it crumbles in Alex's hands.
"Can't get an identification on the scientist and what organization he belongs to, damn it!"
Alex walks up to Cherubim and stands on top of the palm of it's right hand.
"Nzube, bring me near Specter's cockpit"
Cherubim slowly makes it way to Specter's open cockpit, Alex jumps out of it's palm and into the cockpit.
"Alex, we gotta keep going, Cherubim is down the hallway to our right"
Specter and Cherubim make their way through the hallways, several MTs are lying down on the ground, either dismembered or smoking, Nzube finds this very odd.
"MTs from Mercury Heavy Industries, The are equipped with powerful sniper cannons that can cut a man in half, how did Archangel even destroy them? There's not even enough room to dodge bullets in here!"
Cherubim and Specter activate their overboosters, passing over the trail destruction caused by Archangel, some rooms seem to be burning, surgery rooms, Alex questions the existence of this entire place.
"What the hell? Why are there surgery rooms in this place?!"
"Alex, we don't have time to question everything in our way, Archangel is approaching!"
Archangel suddenly bursts through the wall, moving forward with it's overboosters which is at maximum output. Specter trips up a little trying to activate the booster almost faceplanting in the ground again, it's energy is still recovering since the fall. Cherubim fires at Archangel's legs, but the bullets only scratch the paintjob.
"Damn! Why is this thing so fast?! It's overbooster is barely running out of energy!"
Specter holds onto Cherubim's left shoulder.
"Want more speed?"
Specter's overboosters activate and Cherubim is reaching Archangel faster than before.
Archangel dodges the shots with it's quickboost.
"All your attempts at hurting me are futile, I was created after Cherubim and surpassed it"
"What the hell are you?!"
Nzube and Alex shout in unison.
"I am no mere man of flesh"
Archangel quickboosts and dropkicks Specter, making it roll down the hallway.
"Alex, are you alright?!"
Nzube ignores Archangel and goes check Specter. Archangel leaves the two.
"Distance from main target... 100.... 90.... 80.... 70.... 60... 50... 40... 30... 20.... 10 meters..."
Archangel arrives at the hangar, it's a closed space with an open gate to the forest outside, a green colored plane that's a mix between a Stealth Bomber and Cargo Plane is parked inside, with a wingspan that's half the length of the football field. The scientist watches Archangel slowly walking towards it through a gap in the rear door, and he immediately pulls out a communication device.
"Henry! Start the SkyGekko and activate the turrets on the wings, That red Next is here!"
Archangel boosts towards the gate, ready to crash through the aft door but is stopped by Specter who punchs it in the face, Cherubim standing by it's side.
"We still have some unfinished business"
The plane makes it's way out of the gate, the underground base begins to explode.
Archangel flies towards the arms forts and lands on SkyGekko's left wing, Cherubim and Specter land on the right, the plane is surrounded by a thick fog, the scientists inside check the turrets, the heavy rain is interfering with some of their functionalitys, it's an Arms Forts that's still in development phase.
"Shake those Nexts of the wings!"
"Wait, Sir, the turrets take a while to go onli-"
Hnery forcefully grabs the steering wheel of the SkyGekko, the entire arms forts slowly rolls in the air, Cherubim and Specter sliding of it and Archangel stays perfectly still in the air, Cherubim grabs Specter by it's left hand and slowly floats back to the arms forts that's still spinning and grabs onto the ledge of the left wing.
"Are the pilots of this thing crazy?!
Nzube shouts, the plane continues to roll and roll before going back to normal.
"Henry, the guns were back online some minutes ago..."
The scientists falls face first into the steering wheel and falls on the floor.
"Can somebody replace Gerald for now? I don't think he's gonna wake up soon"
"Y-yes sir"
Another scientist takes the role of pilot, the others are controlling the turrets of the arms fort.
"Shoot the two reds and that white one, make sure they're blown into bits!"
Cherubim and Archangel fight on the wings of the arms forts, Specter fires at the turrets.
"Damn it! I'm taking too much damage over here, how are you doing over there Nzube?!"
"Archangel's giving me a tough fight, this thing keeps avoiding half of my planned attacks"
Archangel's kicks Cherubim, almost falling from the arms forts again, Archangel flies towards the cockpit of SkyGekko but Specter appears in it's way, firing the bullets of it's chain guns at it's core.
"Why don't you two just give up?"
Archangel overboosts towards Specter, Grabbing it by the head and throwing it on the left wing, Specter tries to boost towards Archangel, howeve some of it's stabilizers are stuck on the left wing.
"Crap! Specter's jammed inside the left's wings roof, Nzube give me cover!"
Cherubim fires it cannon at Archangel, a giant glowing sphere of energy hits Archangel, and the particles float into the air mixing themselves with the rain, but Archangel still hasn't gone down. Cherubim fires the last beams of it's energy rifles, but even those aren't enough to stop the rogue Next, Cherubim automatically purges it's guns.
"So you have given up..."
"I still haven't given up, I'll do whatever it takes to stop you and whoever's inside this arms forts"
Nzube shouts, Cherubim suddenly takes a southpaw stance and boosts towards Archangel.
"I admire your determination"
Archangel purges it's weapons and takes the same stance, Archangel's bullet hadn't run out, it was simply a matter of respecting his adversaries. Both Nexts are now on collision course against each other, their fists burning with the power of destruction and determination.

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