Veil Of Uncertainty - Act 4 - Made In Abyss

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Kaori, Chloe and Grace stood outside the warehouse that Kaori had mentioned earlier. They took some time to repair the truck from their fight against the scavengers, the truck will be used as a getaway vehicle. The trio stared at their AC's, Chloe and Kaori were worried except for Grace.

"Dude, washing all that sewer water is gonna be a pain in the ass, we really should've switched to hover legs before accepting the contract..."

Chloe exclaimed, her tank-type AC wasn't made for this type of job and neither was Kaori's heavy-bipedal.

The women got back inside the cockpit of their AC's and entered the warehouse, the walls were full of rust and the ceiling was crumbling due to it's age. A giant hole stood before them and the trio descended into the sewers. Chloe and Kaori's AC touched the ground first, waiting for Grace to fall already. The smell that they were greeted with was foul, a noxious mix of dampness, sewage. A darkness extended through the tunnels, that were barely wide enough for evasive maneuvers. Kaori's control panel received a message from their client, V. The words flashed across the screen.

"Continue straight for two kilometers. You will reach the facility's gate. Do not let your guard down at all"

Chloe and Grace exchanged glances with their AC's cameras

"Two fecking kilometers?!"

Grace grumbled as they continued through the tunnels, they passed the remnants of old infrastructure, rusted pipes and decaying support structures. The eerie atmosphere weighed on them, but they pressed on.

Chloe shuddered within her AC, the discomfort of the surroundings seeping into her voice.

"This place is giving me the creeps, Kaori. Can we please go back?"

Suzuki's normally composed demeanor wavered for a moment.

"I agree, but we've come so far we can't just give up yet"

The ceiling overhead felt oppressively low, adding to the sensation of being trapped. There was no sound except for the echoing clanks of their ACs' steps, creating an unsettling symphony of solitude.

"We've been going straight for ages. Are we lost? How could we get lost in such a straightforward tunnel?"

Minutes turned into hours as they continued to navigate the labyrinthine passageways. Each turn felt like a descent into madness, the stark isolation of the tunnels closing in around them. In this pitch-black abyss, the only source of light was the glow coming from each of their AC's. Suzuki zoomed the camera of her AC on a distant glow, the gate to the facility.


Chloe celebrated, but Grace felt that something was off, she accelerated her AC towards the gate, surprising her two friends.

"Something's wrong here..."

Kaori moved her AC towards Grace's, what she saw was not a pretty sight at all. The 4th gen guard units that had been posted there were in shambles. Their mangled wreckage littered the floor, covered in the blood and guts of their pilots.

Chloe panicked.

"Chloe, avoid looking at it! we have to stay focused. We can't j-just panick now"

Kaori spoke, trying to keep Chloe calm, she maneuvered her AC towards the gate, analyzing it's design.

"Hmm... old model, seems to have been built around the earth-martian conflict, It'll take roughly two minutes to open. But these bodies and those units, could it be that we have another mercenary against us or something else? Stay alert you two"

With a practiced hand, Suzuki began the process of unlocking the gate, her fingers dancing across the controls in her cockpit.

"We don't know what we might find on the other side"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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