Chapter 4

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"I think you've got a new admirer..." Kris teased as he pointed discreetly over to a small group of boys across the pitch from them. Alice looked over her shoulder and saw four boys glancing their way, but she couldn't be sure who they were looking at.

"I think it might be you, who has the admirer." Alice chuckled, turning around whilst tucking a stray piece of hair from out of her face.

She wanted to believe that someone liked her, or at least found her attractive, but her self-esteem wouldn't allow that.

Kris was a lot better looking than her, at least that was what Alice had always thought. He had an impressive head of hair that never knew its natural colour, unlike Alice's. Kris tended to change his hair colour completely on a whim, and this time it happened to be bleached blonde, which helped his natural roots to show through. His kindness seeped out of his features like water through a sieve, and almost flawlessly perfect proportions that shaped his God-given face. If anyone looked as though they had walked straight out of a Greek myth, it would be Kris, with his muscularly beautiful, and perfect figure. Alice was often jealous of Kris' perfect figure and handsome looks. Both looked much better than her own.

The only artist that had managed to sculpt her face in her opinion, was Picasso.

"No, I meant that rough-looking kid with Aiden and Freddie." Kris pointed out, being able to see the friends from where he stood and recognising them from high school. "Isn't he new here? I haven't seen him before."

As it turned out, there were quite a few people who had come to Westbrook College from the high school housed on the same island. Many lived in the town and were unable to get scholarships at other universities or colleges, so instead they found themselves here. Kris recognised Jack's gang of friends, having seen them around high school together, as well as having a vested interest in Aiden – who had been quite the catch with the ladies despite his obvious and open sexuality.

"Oh, him?" Alice asked, looking once more over to the friends and briefly meeting Hayden's eye before turning away. "Yeah, I met him earlier today... and he happens to be my new next-door neighbour," Alice admitted sadly, her voice barely audible but it still reached the ears of the boy in front of her.

"What?!" Kris exclaimed a little too loudly and caused him to cringe at his volume. "What?" He asked again at a lower volume and smiled lightly at his extraverted behaviour.

"We live next door to each other. Do you not remember me telling you that the house next door to me was for sale?"

"I remember you saying something about a house for sale, but I don't remember you saying it had been sold recently." Kris recounts, trying to conjure up the conversation in his memory.

"Well, I didn't realise until a few days before they moved in and that also happened to be a week before the first term started. So, I didn't exactly have much time to tell you." Alice reasoned, shrugging at the seemingly obvious predicament that Hayden's moving had caused within their friendship.

"I guess you have a point... But I still would've liked to know. You could've texted me or something." Kris pointed out, but Alice just sighed and shook her head.

"I forgot to. A lot was going on. I'm sorry." Alice patted her friend's shoulder reassuringly – with a hint of hesitancy in her movements - hoping that her minor mistake wouldn't affect their friendship too much. "I promise to tell you next time there is a major event in my life."

"You know when you smile like that, I have to forgive you."

"That's why I smile like this whenever I need to apologise." Alice chuckled, smiling even wider at her accomplishment. "I thought you would've known that by now." Kris shook his head and chuckled at Alice's comment, knowing that she was right.

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