Chapter 1

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"You know, after all my years living near the coast, I never realised that this island was here. Did you know, dear?"

"No, never." His wife replied cheerfully, enjoying the car's smooth journey through the twisting country roads.

"What about you, Hayden?" Hayden didn't reply to his father's question. Nor did he have anything to say before they arrived at Westbrook Harbour.

Everything had changed now. Nothing could be the same as it was, that was the main disadvantage of change. The one thing that was expected to stay, is often the one thing that leaves first. Now, moving to a new island, away from his past mistakes, Hayden was only left with the painful reminders of a life no longer within reach. A life that he had taken from them.

Now, there seemed to be only one path left to follow. A new chapter, in a different town. A fresh life, with an ambiguous future. That was all the life that Hayden felt he deserved.

Hayden curled up on the backseat of his family's car. He had refused to speak for the entire journey, choosing instead to watch the autumn leaves falling from the trees above in their new town. The new season had changed before them as they drove into the new, unfamiliar streets of Westbrook Harbour's suburb. An idyllic, peaceful place and one that Hayden expected hadn't seen much action or excitement in its time. A boring and uneventful place where the old come to waste away.

It wasn't how he had expected his new college life to start. The hope of individuality and freedom seemed to disappear along the new autumn breeze. Instead, Hayden watched as they entered the suburban estate of Westbrook Harbour, the yellowing leaves and shivering branches welcoming them in like giant butlers.

To say that Hayden felt small and out of place would be stating the obvious - and would hurt his pride.

The last of the summer sun dazzled across the pristine, black sedan as it cruised effortlessly down the twisting suburban streets of the town, giving way to the autumn season beginning to roll in. It was late morning and the family inside had been on the road since dawn, trying to grasp any remaining wisps of sleep on their long journey, but to no avail. Their car whispered happily along the quiet roads, its engine humming its own melody to the rhythm of the echoing tarmac as it drifted along the last stretch of road.

A last escape.

"Hayden?" A powerful voice boomed throughout the car, resonating from the passenger's seat, with an edge of worried concern.

Stewart was often unaware of his volume, opting to speak louder than was necessary to fill the silence. His head turned stoically and regally as he looked over the shoulders of the chair at his son, who sat glumly in the back seat. His son had opted to take these few moments before the end of their journey to close his eyes, enjoy the bumpy ride of the car and catch some rest as they approached their destination.

"Yeah?" Hayden responded noncommittally, his eyes tightly shut, and his head rested against the headrest of the car.

It was clear that he was trying to retrieve those lost hours of sleep he had missed, but the deafening volume of his father's voice made the challenge of sleep practically impossible. Daring to peek one eye open, he shot a tentative look to his father whilst showing an obvious discontent with the upcoming conversation about to fall from his father's lips.

"Remember what we talked about..."

Hayden couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes behind closed lids. They rolled so heavily that they could have almost rolled right out of his skull. It seemed typical that his father would be lecturing him at a time like this, at any moment of silence that settled among their family. In Hayden's eyes, he would always be a disappointment to his father. Nothing could please that man, not even all the money in the world.

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