Chapter 7. Engagement

Start from the beginning

"Haye mera shehzada aa gaya." Maa Begum rushed towards him to greet her only son.
(Oh my prince is here!)

"Assalam o Alaikum, Maa."

"Wa Alaikum as-salam. Meerab, go and get the dinner served, my son has come home after a long journey, he must be hungry and tired."

"Yes, Tayi Jan." And with that, she left, and Murtasim couldn't help but keep his eyes on her retreating figure.

During his time abroad, he had come to realize his true feelings for Meerab. He wondered if she, too, harbored similar emotions for him.

Flashback ends.

Murtasim shook his head, trying to push the memories away. Regardless of what Meerab might have felt in the past, those feelings were extinguished now, and he had only himself to blame for it. Today, she would be promised to someone else, and he had no choice but to accept it.

Regret and a sense of loss gnawed at his heart as he contemplated the consequences of his actions. He knew he had pushed her away and hurt her deeply. Now, he had to bear the consequences of losing the woman he had secretly loved for so long.

Despite the pain and regrets, he couldn't bring himself to interfere in Meerab's life. He had to respect her decision and let her move forward, even if it meant leaving him behind.

Murtasim decided to retreat to the terrace, seeking a moment of solace to calm his restless mind. However, his tranquility was interrupted when he noticed a grand motorcade pulling up right before his house. The Mirs had arrived.

Salma Begum extended a warm welcome to the Mir family and led them gracefully towards the drawing room. She gestured for Marium to bring Meerab into the room and instructed Haya to call Murtasim as well.

Meerab entered the drawing room with Marium, and Murtasim followed shortly after.

As soon as Mrs. Mir caught sight of Meerab, she called out affectionately, "Meerab beta, come here and sit by my side." Meerab complied, taking her place next to Mrs. Mir with a courteous smile.

Mrs. Mir then turned her gaze towards Murtasim, "Chalo, acha hai Murtasim bhi aa gaya. On occasions like this, the presence of brothers is of great significance for sisters."
(It's a good thing Murtasim came too.)

However, the moment she referred to Meerab and Murtasim as siblings, both of them inwardly flinched, their hearts heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions.

Murtasim forced a smile, trying to mask the pain he felt at being referred to as Meerab's sibling. He took a seat across from them, feeling the weight of the situation and the mixed emotions that churned inside him. He knew that this was just a formality, but it was hard to pretend that the words didn't affect him.

Everyone seemed oblivious to the unease Mrs Mir had inadvertently caused between Meerab and Murtasim.

Mir Shah now spoke up, "Meerab, beta, I have heard so much about you from ShahNawaz. He used to speak very highly of you."

Meerab smiled politely, responding, "Thank you, Uncle. It's an honor to meet you and your family."

Mir Shah then turned his attention to Murtasim, "And Murtasim, you have grown into such a fine young man. Your father and I have been friends for a long time, and I have always considered you as a son."

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