Although for this instance, a bow and arrow would be most suitable. He casually nocked the arrow before turning around and letting it loose in the general direction of the doorway he came from. 

As expected, a loud yelp sounded from the doorway signaling that there was indeed someone who had followed him and was watching him. 

"I know you're there. You might as well come out now." Oberyn called out, putting down the bow and waiting for the mysterious person to reveal themselves. 

His eyes widened as a small boy emerged, his cheeks red and his eyes wide. He looked to be about seven years of age, dressed in the fashion of King's Landing.

"I was just passing by. I do not wish to bother you and I will be going on my way. Goodbye." The little boy bowed quickly, turning to leave. 

"Wait, I know you." Oberyn remarked trying to remember what made him so familiar until he recalled the day before. "You're the little boy who danced with my wife yesterday."

The little boy nodded proudly until he realized what he had done as he seemingly steeling himself. "Lady Cassandra is my friend. You may be her husband now but if you hurt her, I hurt you." 

Oberyn bit his lip to try to stop the laugh threatening to escape him. Watching the child in front of him cross his arms while the morning wind blew threw his thick curls was simply too adorable for him. 

"What's your name?" Oberyn asked, approaching the child slowly. He did not want to frighten him but he also wanted to get a closer look at the boy who had deemed himself Cassandra's protector. 

"I'm Owain." The little boy answered, raising his chin proudly. He showed no signs of the surprised child from a while back.

Oberyn could not help but admire his resolve and courage, though he too certainly wanted to know. "How will you hurt me, Owain?" 

"I-Huh?" Owain blinked once, looking around trying to think of something terrifying despite his skills being limited to identifying fish. "I guess I'll punch you really hard and push you into the harbor." 

Oberyn pretended to frown, his eyebrows furrowing in feigning anger. This went on for a few moments before a smile grew on his face. "Come join me. Ever shot a bow?" 

Owain's eyes grew wide, clearly not expecting that turn of events. Shaking his head, he answered. "No. Why?" 

Oberyn picked the bow up from the table once more, grinning as he gestured to the targets set up ahead. If Owain really wanted to defend Cassandra from others who might try to harm her, then he might as well do it right. 

Oberyn responded as Owain neared him. "I'll teach you how to shoot one. That way, you can really protect my wife." 

Of course, he would only need to do so when Oberyn was not there to defend her himself. 


"I almost pity you enough not to kill you."

Cassandra awoke with a start, a gasp escaping her lips as she struggled to ground herself. It was a nightmare, nothing more. It was just the horrors of her imagination, nothing more. 

But she knew the events of her nightmares were real. Or at least they had been. What happened was in the past, that's true yet they also continue to haunt her every night.  

Memories of the dreaded tourney when it all began, the harsh grip of the guards who held her down in front of the Mad King, and the screams of Brandon and Rickard Stark. However, the most recurring memory had been the Mad King's attempt at killing her. 

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