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"Mommy!" I heard nessa shout as her tiny footsteps were being heard as well,she was running around searching for me.

I inhaled deeply before wiping my tears,I flush the toilet that had my morning sickness.I quickly rinsed my mouth with water,

"Mommyyyyy" Nessa says as I heard her get closer,I opened the bathroom door seeing her waddle around the hallway.

"Hey baby,what happened?" I asked as I picked her up,she blinked

"Where's daddy?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes,I chuckled before walking over to our bedroom.

I carefully cracked the door open as it showed miguel asleep on his back with his arms behind his head showing his visible muscles.

"Look,he's sleeping" i whispered to her as I walked over to the bed and place her on it,she crawled over to him and stared at him as he breathed in and out.

I smiled watching her poke his cheek a few times,his eyes flickered open before he turned his head towards nessa.

His face lit up before he sat up and picked her up, "hey princess" he said in his morning raspy voice.I walked up closer getting his attention "oh hey baby"

"Hi babe" I smirked as I sat at the edge where his legs were,

"You're up early" he says with his eyebrows furrowed, "you're always passed out when I'm awake" my chest tighten as I didn't want to lie to him,I can't lie to that face

"You okay?" He asked as he rubbed nessa back since she was laid on his chest,I nodded with a small smile. "You sure? I mean this isn't the first time you've been up early"

I shrugged "I don't think it's a big deal mikey" I told him as his expression soften. "I'm gonna go make breakfast" I said before walking out and heading downstairs


I placed the plate on the table along small bowl of eggs for Vanessa "it's ready!" I yelled before hearing footsteps run down the stairs.

Miguel came in the kitchen with nessa in his arms,he handed her to me as I place her on my lap.I began to feed her as miguel kept his eyes on me not touching his food

I glanced up at him "why aren't you eating?" I asked as nessa took a bite of her eggs,he squinted his eyes at me.I knew he wanted to ask me what was wrong,

I knew at the same time he didn't want to pry but he knows damn well he didn't care,he will demand to know what was wrong.

"You've been acting..strange" he said as he tilted his head to look me more in my eyes as I tried to avoid eye contact, "don't do that" he whispered

"I'm not gonna do this in front of her" I said referring to nessa who was chewing while staring at Milo who was watching us,

Miguel sighed before picking up his fork and slowly start to eat,for the rest of the time he didn't look at me.I guess he's upset that I'm not telling him anything,

After he finished,he quickly grabbed the plate without looking at me and placed it in the sink before turning the water on to wash it.

"You can leave it there,I'll wash it" I spoke up,he ignored me and continued to spread the soap around the plate.I rolled my eyes before shaking my head

I changed my expression quickly as nessa looked up at me,I gave her a fake smile that had her giggle randomly.

He then dried his hands before rushing out the kitchen and heading upstairs,I gently placed my chin on nessa's head.


Nessa placed the crown on Milo's head that was laid on the floor since he was laying down,I smirked watching them.

Footsteps came down the steps and I already knew it was miguel,I looked up seeing him walk to the end of the couch.He turned on the tv as he kept his eyes on the tv,

Nessa then looked up at me,she walked over to me as I smiled at her.Her eyes widen as she placed her tiny chubby hand on my stomach,my heart dropped

I looked to see if miguel caught it...and he fucking did,his jaw slightly open as he sat up. "Nessa" he called out to her

She continued to stare at my belly while miguel stared at me,my heart was definitely not in it's place right now.I knew pets or babies know when you're pregnant but I thought it wouldn't happen with me

Nessa moved her eyes up to mine as she smiled before hugging me around the waist,my vision became blurry with my tears

"Y/n.." miguel breathed out,I looked over as he saw my glossy eyes.His gaze soften..


"Clearly there's something going on cause nessa knows something I don't" miguel whispered loudly,we moved into the kitchen to talk as nessa stayed with Milo

"There's nothing to worry-

"Yo don't piss me off,our daughter literally touched your stomach-you've been acting weird and you're waking up early,you're in the bathroom constantly-

He stopped as his eyes slightly widen, "this was.." he start to raise his arms as his hands was placed over his head. He started laughing as I sniffled,

"This was the same way you acted when you were pregnant..with nessa" he exhaled before laughing "you're pregnant aren't you?"

The smile he had on his lips made my heart flutter knowing he wanted to have another one ever since we had nessa,I start to sob as he grinned before pulling me into a tight warm hug

"We're having another one?" He whispered as he caressed the back of my head,he chuckled as he kissed my head multiple times "we're blessed baby"

"I don't want Taty to feel like i'm competing with her" I muffled,

"No no,baby she's gonna be happy for you like she's always been..I'm a daddy of two" he said as I heard the smile in his voice

Sadly we're starting to get close to the end🤧

The Robin book I think you guys will love it,I don't want to immediately publish it as soon as I end this book cause I want to update my imagines book a bit more

I don't think I'm gonna take break yet cause I feel like you'll forget me 😭


Love you and I'll always will mwah!!

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