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"Try it" miguel told nessa,she grabbed the pencil with her while hand and tried to write her name on the paper.

Obviously her handwriting wasn't neat,some were big and some were small or some did didn't even fully formed a letter.

Nessa wrote the letter V which was pretty big as miguel helped her by saying the letters,she formed an a which was small then a N that was also small.She continued to write her full name

When she finished she looked at us with a big grin on her face as her eyes had that sparkle,I gasped before clapping "you did it baby!" I said

"You see? Now you can write daddy's letters" miguel joked as he gave her a kiss on the forehead,she decided to rewrite it again as we again clapped for her


Miguel side eyed me as I was talking gibberish to Vanessa as I was kissing her face, "oh such a pretty baby" I mumbled against her cheek as she just smiled and giggled happy to be loved

"You don't show me love like that" miguel said before he pouted,I rolled my eyes at him as I continued to baby nessa in a language that clearly wasn't English.

"Beso?" I asked nessa,she formed her lips and did a little kiss on my cheek as I smiled.

"You never ask me for beso" miguel mutters as he looked jealous that I was showing more love towards nessa.

"Cause you always give me beso out of the blue" I said as I gave him a look,he shrugged as he crossed his arms.I scoffed before turning to nessa

"Go give daddy a beso" I whispered to her,I gently placed her beside me on the couch as she crawled to miguel that's at the end of the couch.

She tugged on his sleeve getting his attention and immediately I saw his face lit up,I knew he went straight into daddy mode.

He picked her up and lift her up in the air, "hola mi princesa" he said as he lowered her down to kiss her cheek as she smiled.I smiled at the view

This is the main reason why I love having a kid,seeing your significant other parent is so attractive.Miguel is so gentle with her,

I then scooted closer to them as miguel glanced at me, "oh you want to show me love now?" He said.I sucked my teeth

"Shut up or I won't show you love at all tonight" I told him,he quickly wrapped his arm over my head and pulled me into his chest

"Okay I'm sorry,I love you" he said kissing my head as nessa stared at miguel,miguel noticed and nudged me to look on how cute she is.She then randomly started giggling making us follow

"You're so cute"I told her as I pushed her natural hair back,she then pout her lips and kissed Miguel's cheek as Miguel's gaze immediately turned soft "oh my goddd" I said looking at her in awe

"You love daddy?" I asked her,she nodded as she wrapped her tiny chubby arms around his neck. "This is my daddy" I said holding his bicep

"My daddy!" she said hugging him tighter,I fake gasp as I did the same


I smirked as I was leaning on the kitchen entryway,miguel and nessa watching cartoons as they ate chips together.

The bag of chips between them as they seemed so focus and interested in the show,my phone rang behind me before I picked it up from the counter

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hey mija,how's it going?" I heard wendy,I then smiled hearing her voice

"Hey ma,everything is good you?"

"Todo esta bien niña but I was going to tell you that I made some plans with your mom to take you and miguel out to eat at this real good restaurant" she spoke,my eyebrows furrowed

"Oh that sounds great,when?" I asked

"That's on you,either tomorrow or the day after" she said,

"Well tomorrow sounds fine" I said,she chuckled on the other line

"Okay good,dress up cause we are definitely gonna take pictures" she spoke just like every Hispanic parent,they always love taking pictures every time we're out

"Of course I already know" I said,

"Okay,pues I'll talk to you later mi niña"

"See you ma" I said before hanging up,I think it was kinda strange that both of our families are going out to eat.

But I think it's sweet cause my mom and Wendy really haven't spoken like that but when they're are together they're like Taty and I,

I walked in the living room and head to the couch where they were, "who you were talking to?" Miguel asked as his head turned towards me while it was laid back

"Your mom" I said,his face scrunched

"For what?"

"Cause she can,the hell" I said with a little attitude that made his face turned straight,he then reached over nessa pointing his finger in my face

"Do you wanna get touched?" He sternly said...'Yes' I thought to myself  as I smirked "yeah watch yourself" he turned back to look at the tv

"She said that my mom and her made plans for tomorrow to go out to eat with us" I spoke,he rubbed his chin as he tried to hide his smile

"That's odd" he said,I squinted my eyes

"What you mean that's odd?"

"All I said is that's odd" he says as he moved his eyes back onto me seeing I still have an attitude on my face "Yo your attitude is crazy-nessa come on it's time for bed" he got up

She nodded before lifting her arms as he picked her up,her head went on his shoulder as she laid her cheek on his collar bone.

She looked at me with her big eyes and smiled while lifting her head,she waved at me as I did the same while smiling.

She's literally so random but so adorable,she just keeps zoning out and does the most strangest things.I think she got that from me,

They went upstairs as I got up and followed,I watched miguel place her in her bed before turning the night light on.I turned off the original light as I walked in

I placed my hand on Miguel's back,he turned to look at me "sorry" I mouthed to him which caused him to smirk before putting his arm over my shoulder and kiss my cheek

"I'm still fixing that attitude later.." he whispered in my ear

A little something😁

I'm sorry for not being active on my imagines,im trying to figure out what to write on that book!

Love you mwah!

•The Baby Daddy•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon