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"Hey! Watch it" I said laughing at my three year old daughter who's in the bath,she laughed right afterwards.

"You're such crazy girl" I told her as she stuck her tongue out while widening her eyes,something she always does.

"We need to finish you up so i can take you to grandma's house okay?" I said,

"Grandma wendy?" She asked,I chuckled

"No baby,grandma Rosa" I told her,she nodded as I gently rinse the shampoo out her hair.


I finish putting on her shoes before getting a good look at her,she continued to play with my phone as I smiled at her.She's such a pretty little Angel,

"Okay,ready to go?" I asked her,

"Yeah" she said looking up at me as I smiled at her eyes,she had her dad's eyes,those puppy eyes that I adore so much.

"Okay come on" I said before picking up and walking downstairs,getting our dog's attention. "Look it's Milo!" I said to my daughter who quickly got excited.

I put her down to play with him a while,Milo is a German shepherd.He's so gentle with her and protects her and i with anything,it's hard to fit the stuff they both need in the house but I try.

I live in one of those houses where the houses is all connected together and it's in a area where it takes a while to find parking.

But it was something I was able to afford for the both of us,the house has three bedrooms so one is for me and Vanessa,then the other two are guest rooms when my parents and sister come to visit.

Vanessa starts petting Milo as he just looks around and makes sure she's guarded,I start putting her little snacks in her little backpack that her aunt got her.

"Okay baby come on" I said walking over to her,she pecked Milo's head before holding my hand "bye milo" I said blowing him a kiss before leaving the house.

I make sure the door is locked before walking down the porch steps,we walk out the front to my car.I put nessa in the car seat in the back before anything,


i knocked on the door before looking around,the door opened revealing the one and only,my mother. She gasped as she saw us, "Ay mi niñas" she said before pulling me into a hug.

My mother is just a pure soul,the bossiest woman I've ever known and she for sure raised her daughters right.Even though I gotten pregnant at seventeen,she was disappointed but she didn't kick me out or anything.

"mi Amor" she greeted Vanessa who had a big smile on her face,she picked up nessa who quickly hugged her by her neck making me smile for the love she has for her grandparents.

"y papa?" I asked,she motioned her head that he's inside.I walked in before closing the door behind me,my dad came inside from their backyard.

"Pops!" I said getting his attention,he looked over and saw me.Pops has a resting bitch face and that's where my sister and I got it from,the smart mouth is definitely from  my mom.

"Oh there's one of my sperms" he said walking over to me making my mom and I laugh,he pulled me into a hug rocking us back and forth.

We pulled away, "how's work going?" He asked

"It's going good,I'm really busting my ass over there" I told him,he chuckled

"That's what I like to hear" he said, "okay well,how's uh,that pretty boy?" He asked

"He's good the last time I spoke to him" I said,referring to Vanessa's father

He's a good guy and a great dad,he stepped up when I told him I was pregnant with his child.He didn't back down even though my father wanted to kill him,he told my dad that he still wants to be with me and he wants to step up.

We were together since we were fifteen,at seventeen is when our life changed but we stayed together cause we were in love.We ended it well..I ended it due to the relationship getting hella toxic and our communication issues,

We were really loyal to each other and way too obsessed with one another,He would get pissed if another guy will look at me for more than three seconds and I will get mad if a girl was near him for more than five seconds.

We ended on good terms though,it gets awkward sometimes when we're dropping off nessa at one another's house.His parents still have love for me just like my parents still have love for him,they miss us together.

My dad saw nessa,nessa adores her grandpa and he loves spoiling her.She smiles at him before taking her away from my mom, "ugh she's so beautiful" my mom said

I nodded at her with a smile,my mom was always dressed up with her gold jewelry and her good smelling perfume mixed with lotion.

"Alex didn't come home last night" she told me,I sighed knowing that's how my sister is.

My sister is my best friend but she can be a little crazy,she's been locked up multiple times for breaking probation.She's not on probation anymore but I just want her to change,she hangs around with the wrong people.

But she's one good ass aunt and the best sister,she went to jail for me once and for nessa twice.She broke probation for her stupidity,even though she's one hella of a loyal girl.

"She might come home today ma,don't worry" I reassured her,we walked to the couch where my dad was with nessa.

"So she's going to her dad's tomorrow?" My mom asked,I nodded

"It's his weekend" I told her,she hummed before looking at my dad making funny faces with nessa.The front door then opened and close getting our attention,we looked up and saw my sister.

"Alexandra" my mom said getting and walking over to her having me follow. "Where were you?"

"Definitely not doing drugs ma,I was with friends and stayed over" she said before looking over at me, "holy shit,look who's in the house" she said smiling

She pulled me into a hug as I chuckled,we rocked back and forth before pulling away. "What's up Alex,are you still being bad?" I asked

"No,I'm doing good and I have a meeting with my parole officer tomorrow about my behavior.Don't worry about me" she told me,I laughed

"Well let's hope so" I said before my phone started ringing, "hold on" I said walking away into the kitchen where no one was.

I picked up the phone before putting it against my ear, "hello?" I said

"Hey" I heard the voice on the line,I smirked

"Hey Miguel,what's up" I asked

"I was wondering what time can I pick up nessa?" He asked

"How about one'o clock?"

"Sounds good to me,thanks" he said,i hummed "it was nice talking to you,y/n"

I chuckled "when is it not?"

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I love you guys🫶🏻

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