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"Since it's your guys first day,you're allowed to just watch but if you want you can try some out for yourself" miguel explained to Taty and I,

I nodded as I watched him tap on the bar still talking to us,i slightly smiled love hearing him talk about all business and the way he spoke with his hands.

"And make sure to always clean the cups after it's used alright? We don't want the germs cause you know what these people being having so-

"You're so pretty" I said grinning feeling like a little girl

"Oh god" Taty whispered,miguel moved his eyes onto me before smiling

"Thanks mami..you guys know how to work the register right?" He asked after shooting me a wink,Taty and I nodded "alright good,of course I kinda run the bar so if anything then you come to me okay?"

"Okay so you guys should know the basics right? The beer,vodka and tequila etc right?" Once again,we nodded "you guys seem good so I don't think your first day will be bad"

"You will take turns to clean the tables at the end of the night,taking out the trash is my job cause I don't want either of you to do a lot" he spoke,I chuckled seeing how sweet he is to make us not do much work

"You guys can start taking the chairs down so I can open up,is nessa with my mom?" Miguel asked pointing at me,I nodded with a smile.

He noticed me looking at him like if he was candy,his lips formed into a smirk.Taty nodded as she walked to the tables that had the chairs up,honestly the bar looked similar to the one in shameless

Miguel stepped closer to me "you tryna have another baby?" He whispered as his arm was laying on the bar while facing me,I nervously scoffed

"What are you talking about?"

"You looking at me like you wanna do something" he said in a low tone,I shook my head

"Cause you look so cute acting like a boss" I said rubbing his upper arm,he laughed

"Then give some special treatment to your boss" he says as I laughed before pulling him into a hug,I felt him wrap one arm around my waist squeezing me


I gave a fake smile to a customer as I handed him his beer,i glance at Taty who was pouring vodka.I smirked before someone came up to the bar

"Hey,can I get a beer?" He asked before placing the money down,I nodded before turned around to grab a cup "didn't know they hired two beautiful ladies"

I raised my eyebrows at him while pouring the beer,I placed it in-front of him as he smirked at me. "What made you start working here beautiful?" He asked

"Cause my man is the boss" I said giving him a smile,his smirk faded before he got up

"Thanks for the beer" he sternly said as he started walking to a table,

"Nice rack" someone said to Taty,Taty always work v neck shirts and since she did have boobs.Her cleavage was always showing but she always looked so pretty,

"Excuse me?" Taty spoke while giving him a face,my eyes slightly widen as I tapped her bottom getting her attention.I made a face telling her to relax,

She sighed before looking back at the guy "thanks my boyfriend loves sticking his face in them" she says as the guy shook his head before getting up,

I smiled as she gave me a low high-five


I watched Taty wiped the tables as I cleaned the cups,In the corner of my eye miguel had the trash bag over his shoulder as he started walking around the bar.

He gave me a light smile as he glanced at me,I heard the back door open before Taty walked up the bar. "Ugh I have a love and hate relationship with this job already" she spoke as she placed the towel on the bar

"You're gonna have a love and hate relationship with every job you're gonna have,you had it with the diner" I told her,she sighed while nodding

"Ready to go?" Miguel said as he walked in wiping his hands,i nodded putting the cup down. "Mason's coming?"

"Yeah,this is the first time he's ever picking me up from work" she said with a smile,

"Well this is the first time we're leaving working together" I said sticking my tongue out at her,she gave me the finger

"Oh die" she told me,miguel laughed as he reached his hand out so I can interlocked his with mine. "Ou can I lock up?"

I looked at miguel to see his response "I don't see why not" he said before tossing the keys in the air as Taty quickly caught it

She giggled to herself as we walked out,Taty placed the key in to lock it.She turned around with a grin as she held the keys up by her finger "I locked up"

I laughed while shaking my head as we saw a car pull up,Taty squealed as she jumped "that's my boyfriend! Bye sexy" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek before looking at miguel

"Thanks for the opportunity" she told him before sprinting to the car,she hopped as the window lowered itself down revealing Mason.

He gave miguel a peace sign as miguel returned the same,he then waved at me.I did the same before Taty blew me a kiss as they drove off.

Miguel shook his head as we walked to his car, "you liked your first day?" He spoke

"Yeah it was alright,just gotta get used to it" I said as he smiled and moved his arm over my shoulder,i interlocked my fingers with his while he kiss my cheek

"We gotta pick up Vanessa remember" I told him,he nodded before he opened the passenger seat for me..

I'm so close to being on the news for the murder of my bf like so close if he keeps trying me (he said morning too late)


I don't think I'm ending the book for now cause by now I ended my best friend book but I think I'm gonna make this a little bit longer

Love you mwah!

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