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"Thanks" a customer said

"No problem" I fake smiled while moving on to the next, "hey what can I get you?"

"Just beer is fine" he said before digging into his pockets,I nodded as I grabbed a cup and filled it with beer before handing it to him.

He slid over the money,I took it with a nod signaling a thanks.My phone ringed through my pocket,I sighed before taking it out and clicking answer,

"Hello?" I greeted

"Hey dude"

"What's up mase" I asked

"Nothing much,I'm here taking care of your little girl" he explained,I smiled at the thought of her

"Oh thanks man,you're at y/n's place?"

"Yeah why?"

"Anything..you know,changed?"

"Nope,I went upstairs and doesn't seem like a guy has been here" he said making me sigh out of relief

"Alright good,she went to work?"

"Yeah like an hour or two ago,nessa did my makeup" he spoke making me chuckle

"Yeah that's my girl" I said,

"Hey there was a guy outside her house this morning before I came? He seems weird" he told me,my face dropped.It had to be Marcus,I'm gonna kill him

"Did y/n look uncomfortable?" I asked

"Yeah and also seemed pissed,kinda nervous? I don't know why but I came in and scared him away" I sighed

"It was that asshole Marcus from the bar,he tried to take her home and she refused" I told him,

"What? What a sicko,don't worry dude I'll be here until she gets home and make sure there isn't anybody following her"

"Thanks man"

"Of course bro,have a good day at work" he said,

"Thanks man,bye" I hung up after,I looked forward and saw a girl waiting for me. "Sorry,had an important phone call"

"It's okay,I don't mind" she said as she leaned over the bar,

"Whatcha want to drink?" I asked her,she made eye contact with a smirk.She wasn't ugly,she was actually cute but not really making me feel a type of way.

"Surprise me" she said,I nodded before grabbing one of the bottles standing behind me then grabbing a cup. "Talking to your girlfriend?" She asked getting my attention

"Uh no,was talking to a friend of mine,he's taking care of my daughter" I told her confidently,I loved saying I had a daughter.I basically brag about her to anybody,

"Aw you're a girl dad? How cute,so you're married?" She asked making me laugh,I raised my hands showing her I don't have a ring on. "Oh good cause I think you're a catch"

"Oh really?" I asked with a smirk,she nodded before biting her lip.

"So do you have your daughter all to yourself or you share with the mama?" She asked,I smiled at the thought of y/n.

"We co-parent" I said before passing her drink,she sat down on the stool getting more interested.

"Is she a bitch?"

"No,she's cool actually" I grabbed a nearby towel to dry my hands,her smirk faded

"Oh so you do see her?"


"Oh that's nice" she said sarcastically,I smirked to myself while placing the towel over my shoulder. "Do you do dates?"

"Eh not really,mostly focused on work and my kid"

"You're such a good father are you? Why don't you come with me to get dinner on Saturday,there's a really nice restaurant around here"


"Unless your baby mama owns you-

"I don't call her my baby mama so you shouldn't" I sternly said while pointing at her,she made a surprised look

"Wow,defending her? She has you pussy whipped" she said before giving me a disgusting look while getting up and walking away.

I chuckled before grabbing a cup that my customer left and wiping it down, "damn right" I said smirking


"Here's your food" I said placing the plates down for the two people.they thanked me before I walked to one of my other tables that need something,

"Hey,can I get a refill on this please?" The guy handing me his cup,

"Of course" I said walking away behind counter to refill his cup,taty follows me

"That dude that wants you to refill his cup has been checking you out all day!" She said with a smile,i shook my head.I get guys that flirt with me,stare but I'm not interested,I guess having a kid made me get sick of guys.

"Not interested" I said not looking at her,I heard her suck her teeth.Taty is like Alex who's trying to get me laid but I don't budge

"Oh come on,when was the last time you've had some fun in bed" she asked making me laugh

"Not your business taty-

"Y/n come onn" she whined,I sighed before looking up at her and placing a hand on my hip.

"No taty,it's done with"

"You're making it seem like your whipped by Miguel,at this point you should just hit him up to fill up your needs" she suggested,my jaw dropped

"No taty!"

"Why not? You're filling up his as well so it's a win for everybody" she said with a smirk and wiggling her eyebrows

"Ugh I got a table" I said before laughing,I walked back to the table with the cup and handed it to the guy who gave me a smile.

"Thanks beautiful" he said,I gave him a fake smile before walking away and looking at taty that threw her head back in annoyance.


"Okay bye love you" I said to taty as we both gave kisses on the cheek,

"Bye my love!" She said as she continued to count the money,I walked out and started heading to my car while I heard my phone vibrated through my purse.

I stopped in-front of my car and looking around at my surroundings,I dig into my purse and grabbed my phone before picking up


"Y/n are you coming home soon?" Mason asked making me giggle

"Are you having fun with nessa?" I asked,

"Y/n,Marcus roaming around the area,you need to go to your parents"


Hey my beautiful angels😁

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If you need to talk or just rant about anything,you can have a conversation with me! Literally on anything

Family issues,bullying,sex,sexuality,friends,relationships etc

I'll talk to you! I feel like I'm older than most of you so I know I'll help you! Or if you just want to shoot your shot and flirt then yk😏

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