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It was Saturday,miguel still had nessa until tomorrow that he will bring her back to me. "Okay what about this?" I said modeling for my sister on what to wear to go out.

"Eh it's okay" she said crossing her arms,I sucked my teeth "I wanna see ass y/n! Or at least some cleavage,don't tell me you don't wanna show off your gifts"

"Alex I'm a mother-

"What's your point? Nessa blessed you with an ass to come with it,thank the kid" she said as I laughed at her comment

"What type of party is it anyways?" I asked

"Not really a party,just a get together at a bar with some of my friends" she said

"These better not be the friends mom doesn't like you with" I said putting my hands on my hips giving her a look.

"Well some,the rest are good ones that are mothers or fathers like you" I squinted my eyes at her, "don't look at me like that whore"

"Slut" I said


"Perra" I said making her gasp

"You did not" she said making me chuckle

"I did-

My phone started to ring,I picked it up from the bed seeing its miguel.I gasp before showing it to Alex seeing her eyes widen, "pick it up" she said

"No what if he asks me what I'm doing-

"Just say you're getting ready to go out-

"Are you dumb?-

"Y/n just tell him-

"You pick it up -

She sucked her teeth, "y/n you a grown ass woman,tell him you're hanging out with me" she told me,I sighed before putting the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I said,

"Hey,I wanted to let you know nessa ate some food and now she's eating the lollipop I gave her" he said,I took deep breathes to calm down since he just called me to tell me about nessa.

"Oh okay,thanks and remember don't let her stay up too late cause she gets cranky when she doesn't get much sleep" I told him,he chuckled

"Reminds me of her mother" he said,I smirked

"Yeah I know" I said,Alexandra motioned her hands to hurry up so I can get ready so we can go. "Well,I gotta go thanks for calling"

"Of course,see you tomorrow"

"See you" I said before quickly hanging up, "he just called about vanessa"

"See? There's nothing to worry about,now you don't have to wear a dress or anything but show at least something" she said

"I don't know Alex,I barely have anything that doesn't say 'I'm a mom' plus you're wearing a dress" I said

"Oh come on,the clothes you have say 'I'm a sexy hard working mom' so don't beat yourself up-actually! I have something in the car for you" she said,my eyes widen

"So you want me to change in the car?" I asked her,she nodded with a cheesy grin.She's really taking me back when we were teenagers,we always went out and changed in cars into something revealing.

I was still with Miguel at that time but he trusted me that I wouldn't do anything,sometimes he will come along to be my protector.Alexandra was obviously older but she got us into the big parties,

I dressed normal since I was gonna change in the car,we walked out of my house and straight to my sister's car.She hopped in the driver's seat as I crawled in the passenger's,

Alex reached her arm in the back and threw me a clothing before starting the car,I held it up so I can see what it is.It was a dress that had to do some tying in the back, "oh my god" I said

"Mhm,looks familiar?" She asked as she drove out of the area,the dress was the type of dress I always wore back then but it was the exact same dress I wore when miguel came out with us and we..made nessa.

"How did you find this?" I asked her

"Found it in the trunk,i think when you-you know.Fucked in my car?" she said as I laughed

"Ahh memories" I said pulling off my top hearing a giggle from Alex, "are you sure there's no one over there that Miguel might know?"

"What my friend told me,there's nobody that will recognize you" she said as I continued to change, "and I told people to not put you in videos or pictures just in case"

"Thanks" I muttered as I placed the dress on, "oh god,I feel sixteen again in this"

"The sexiest sixteen year old they've seen,how'd you think you got pregnant? Miguel couldn't resist you" she said,Alexandra always been my hype woman she always made sure that I was confident and I didn't feel insecure.

If I wore something that didn't look right,she will tell me without hesitation.Of course,I do the exact same thing to her and that's how people know that we are inseparable.

"Can you tie the back when we get there?"I asked

"Yeah sure" she said before turning


"Not too tight" I said

"Not like there's levels,I just have to tie it" she said as she tied the laces of my dress to make it look pretty, "there,come on"

We both connected our hands before walking into the bar,the bar was full of people around our age. "Where's your friends?" I asked

"I'm looking" she said as she was turning her head and looking almost every inch of the place. "Oh there they are" she said pointing at the bar where there was a group of guys and a least two-three girls.

We walked over,I made sure that Alex didn't let go of my hand.I can get a little antisocial when I meet knew people,I get outgoing when I feel comfortable but it takes a while to make me get comfortable.

One of the guys turnt their head, "holy shit,it's the crazy sisters" he said making Alex and I laugh

"No way,the little one finally decided to show up huh?" Another guy said,I started to realize that these were the same friends we went out with when I was in high school.

"Hey Marcus,nice to see you" I greeted him,he gave me a side hug as I placed my head over his shoulder seeing another group staring at us.



I giggled with nessa as we watched SpongeBob together while eating snacks, "Patrick is funny right?" I asked her as she nodded with a smile

My phone started to ring,I looked over beside me seeing that one of my best friends is calling me. I answered before putting the phone against my ear,

"Yo Mason " I said

"What's up Mikey,what you doing?" He asked,

"Watching SpongeBob with my little girl" I said before placing a chip in my mouth, "what about you?" I asked chewing

"Watching your baby mama hang around guys"


Am I starting the drama too early?

Yeah? Sounds like a personal problem 😭

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