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Y/N POV +18 😏

"Careful with him nessa,you know how he is when you bother him too much" I said to nessa as she played with Milo,

"Hey baby,I ordered it" miguel said coming down the steps,I nodded as he walked over to me and bend down to kiss me.

"Thanks babe,why you always ordering food though?" I asked,he shrugged "you don't think you're spending a little too much money"

"I don't care,as long as my girls eat I'm fine-plus I work so I can earn it back" he said sitting beside me and putting his arm over my shoulder,he kissed my temple before looking back at nessa

Nessa placed her tiny chubby hands on Milo face as he just stared at her,miguel smiled watching. "Hey,why don't you guys stay here tonight?" Miguel asked looking at me

I started thinking about what the others said,I need to talk my family as soon as possible.Honestly,miguel and I know each other from inside and out so why not say fuck it?

"Why don't we stay here for a week?" I said,miguel eyes widen.

"Wait for real?"

"Yeah,I mean nessa gets to spend time with daddy more and I can see you more instead of the weekends or you coming into the diner for a short amount time" I explained,he smiled before crashing his lips onto mine.

I felt him continue to smile against my lips making me melt,his other free hand smoothly traveled up to my thigh.

I pat on his shoulder before pulling away, "child" I whispered.Miguel looked over at nessa who's distracted

"Eventually she's gonna know how she was made" he said,I sucked my teeth hitting his shoulder again but a little bit harder this time as he laughed.

There were knocks on the door,miguel quickly got up and pulled the door open showing the delivery guy.Miguel gave him the money before taking the bag and closing the door behind him,

"Okay time to eat,let's go" he demanded while walking to the kitchen

"Come on princess" I said before getting up and picking nessa up,I brought her to the kitchen and placed her on my lap instead.

Miguel started taking out the food and placing them on the table,Milo walked over and just sat near the table watching us. "This is yours mami" miguel muttered while handing me my food as I felt my heart flutter,

"And this is definitely yours princesa" miguel said as he showed nessa's food to her making her smile,I chuckled at her reaction.Miguel went to the fridge and brought out two drinks for him and I then Vanessa's sippy cup that he got her

Miguel placed the drinks on the table before sitting himself down across from us, "hey,ready to eat girl?" I asked to nessa as she nodded while drinking from her sippy cup

I made sure that I was feeding Vanessa first while miguel was already eating, "so I was thinking about visiting my family with you to tell them about us" I said to Miguel

He looked up with his pretty eyes before nodding and continuing to chew, "wait I wanna do it" nessa said referring to me feeding her

"You wanna eat yourself?" I asked her,she nodded causing me to look at miguel with a look.He just shrugged "okay but don't make a mess" I gave her the food as she held it like a normal child and started feeding herself

I gasp while softly clapping, "yay baby,you can feed yourself" I said

"Let me know when you're ready to drive" Miguel said,I laughed while nessa smiled at his comment.I started eating my food and I felt so much better since I was hungry

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