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"Do it!" Taty gasped

"Oh of course you would say that" I said counting the by money before placing it in the register,she scoffed

"Y/n,he already made nessa's room.Just bring Milo and move in" she said before walking to the other side of me "morning sex" she whispered as she smacked my bottom

I chuckled "you're terrible"

"Or am I?,come on,do ittt" she whined,Taty loved seeing me happy or seeing me at least laugh.After when I've been through she always wanted the best for me.

"I'm not gonna do it cause you said so-Emily table six!" I said as Emily left the locker room,she rolled her eyes before heading over to the table. "I'm gonna smack that bitch one day"

"Ou do that instead" Taty said making me giggle, "think about it y/n,plus Miguel's house is kinda cleaner" she grabbed some plates from the kitchen window

"Oh lick me" I said giving her the finger

"You know I will,don't tease me" she said sticking her tongue out before walking to a table as I shook my head on how crazy she is.

The entrance door bell rang,I looked up seeing mason.I gasped before looking at Taty who was busy and didn't lay mind,I rushed over to him

"Are you here to see your girlfriend?" I said,he chuckled

"Hey y/n and she's not my girlfriend..yet"

"Yet,im so excited for you fuckers-treat her right or I'll shave your head" I said,he nodded

"Uh miguel told me that he asked you to move in" he said leaning against the counter on his side,i groaned "yeah but he didn't send me here to talk you into it cause you know,he wants to respect your boundaries or whatever but uh-are you stupid?"

"What?" I asked making a confused look

"As one of your brother figures,move in" he said pointing at me,I scoffed "listen,you don't have to but coming from me and most of the other guys we say move in."

My jaw slightly open but I didn't know what to say,Taty and Mason AND the other guys say to move in? This is pressure,I have to speak to my family now and get their opinions..they don't know we're together though.

I have to see them sometime soon to tell them and ask their opinions,Taty was walking back to us while looking down at her notepad. "Taty,boyfriend alert" I said

She lift her head seeing mason,her eyes widen "oh hey" she greeted him as I walked behind the counter while Mason stood up straight seeing her.

"Hey,sorry to not text you first before coming in here-

"Oh it's no problem at all,what's up?" She asked putting her notepad in her little apron

"I was wondering if I can take you out for lunch on your break?" He asked,Taty looked over at me seeing me point at Mason then do the sex hand motions while nodding

She smiled before looking back at Mason who turned his head to look at me,I quickly put my hands down and waved at him. "Uh yeah,I would love to" she said getting Mason's attention again

"Great,can I wait at a table?" He asked

"Yeah of course" she told him,he nodded before going to a nearby empty table.She walked over to the counter across from me "oh my god-he's gonna buy me lunch"

"I say fuck in his car" I said pouring coffee into a mug for a customer,she gasped

"No y/n,are you crazy?"

"Do itttt" I whined mocking her,she sucked her teeth

"Fuck you" she said with a smile

"Ou when? But after miguel though cause he's already enough to handle" I joked,she shook her head while playfully rolling her eyes

"He's gonna get you pregnant again one day,watch" she crossed her arms,I gasped

"Don't wish that on me Taty,I already have nessa,let me work with her for now"


It was break time,Taty walked over to the table Mason was sitting at and sat across from him before talking.I lightly smiled watching them on how cute they are,the entrance door rang again

I look over expecting to see a customer but it was Marcus,I quickly stood up straight from leaning over the counter.Mason,who was facing the door,quickly stood up

Taty stood up after but she didn't know what was going on,she did it cause she was confused and wanted to see. "Heyyy,it's a party in here?" Marcus spoke up

"What do you want Marcus" I sternly said,he chuckled

"I'm hungry,you can't refuse to serve someone right?" He said,i glared at him before looking at Mason and nodding.Mason slowly sat down still keeping his eyes on Marcus,Taty looked at Mason giving him a confused look

Mason shook his head and told her to sit down,she obeyed while Marcus came up to the counter. "Would you show me to my table?" He asked in a sarcastic tone

"You sit at a free table and I'm on break so I'm not your waitress,don't try anything cause Mason will easily break an arm" I said before walking away to the back


"What does he want?" I asked Mason after looking at him,he shook his head

"I don't know,he just likes to harass her..I'm texting miguel" he said before pulling out his phone,I nodded "sorry if this ruined our lunch"

"Oh no it's okay" I smiled at him,he put his phone away after turning it off. "So are we still on for this weekend?"

"Of course,are you?" He asked,I nodded

Mason and I were planning on going to a fair,going out to eat then heading back to my place.He's so sweet but also dominant and I always wanted that in a guy,

Later,the entrance door bell rang once again,Mason and I quickly look over seeing miguel walk in immediately glaring at Marcus.Marcus turned his head before quickly tensing up when he saw miguel,

"Oh shit.." i muttered

There's barely been drama so I'm starting it,wink wink

It's 3 in the fucking morning

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