I couldn't help but to laugh.

"We should probably get up" Taylor said as a sigh left her lips

"Yea" I agreed

"You can have the first shower if you'd like" she told me

"Oh no, it's okay. Go for it" I told her

"No, you" she told me

"You're sure?" I asked

She nodded with a smile

I smiled back before getting out of the bed and going over to my suitcase to get some clothes

"I'll just be a few" I told her as she looked up from her phone and nodded

I tried to do my shower routine as normal. I used the shampoo that was already here, which judging by the size of the bottle, was most likely Taylors. As I turned the water off and opened the shower door, I couldn't help but to notice that there is not a towel is sight

"Shit" I said to myself

I slowly walked over to the door and crack it open just enough so my voice could be heard

"Hey Taylor?" I asked

"Yea?" She replied

"This is so embarrassing. There isn't a towel in her, can you uh, can you get me one?" I asked

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry. Yea" she replied

It didn't take long for her to go searching for one and then finding it almost immediately

"Do you just want me to push it through this crack?" She asked

"Yea" I replied

She did exactly that and I saw a towel being shoved through the door

"You got it?" She asked

"Got it, thank you" I told her

I quickly dried myself off and got dressed before making my way out of the bathroom so Taylor could get in herself

"Wow that was so embarrassing" I said

"It wasn't embarrassing. It happens" she comforted

I gave a gentle smile

"Well it's all yours now" I told her

She smiled before shutting her phone off and getting her clothes ready herself. When she started walking to the bathroom, I noticed she didn't have a towel in her hands

"Don't forget a towel" I said handing her one  

"Right, thank you" she said taking it from me


"So what were you two doing last night?" Taylor asked John and Liz as we sat down at a restaurant to eat

If you're wondering if there are any paparazzi, there is, we're just trying to ignore it and enjoy the day

"Oh we were just hanging around" Liz said casually

Taylor looked at me with raised eyebrows

"Anything else?" I asked

John shook his head

"Really? Because I don't know about you Taylor, but I was hearing some weird noises" I told her

"I think I was hearing weird noises too" Taylor agreed

"What are you two getting at?" Liz asked

"The noises sounded like a headboard" I said

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