"Yup" I replied

"I'll have your total at the first window" he said

We didn't even respond before Liz drove up to the first window where we were met with a guy that looked a few years younger than us

"Eleven twenty five" he told us

I leaned over Liz and handed him my card and watched as he swiped it

"Here you are, have a great rest of your day" he smiled

"You too" I smiled back


"Oh my god, this is so good" Liz said as she dug into her burrito at my kitchen island

I couldn't help but to laugh

"You don't think so?" She asked

"It's good" I replied with a laugh

"Cause if you don't want it, I'll take it" she said

"No, I like it" I scootched away from her in a joking manner

"Alright" she put her hands up in a surrender

As we were chewing, her phone started ringing, but once she saw who was calling, she didn't move to answer

"It's John" I told her

"I know" she replied

"You should answer" I told her

"But I'm here with you" she told me

"It's alright" I smiled

"Are you sure?" She asked

I nodded as she reached to answer it before she missed the call completely

"Hey John" she smiled immediately as she put him on speaker

"Hey, what are you up to?" He asked

"Just eating a breakfast burrito with y/n" Liz replied

"Hi John" I waved even though he couldn't see it

"Hey y/n" he replied

As if on cue, my phone started ringing. Liz looked at me with raised eyebrows as a way to ask who was calling. I flashed her my screen and she mouthed 'answer it'

"Heyy Taylor!" I smiled

"Heyy y/n! How's your burrito?" She asked

"Too good" I told her

"You know I'm a sucker for burritos right?" She asked

"I did not" I replied

"Well I am" she spoke

"Interesting. I'll keep that in mind" I said

"What's in it?" She asked

"Egg, bacon, potato, and chili" I listed off the contents

She let out a hum

"And I'm and even bigger sucker for breakfast burritos" she sighed

"I'll buy you one when and if you come to Vegas again" I told her

"You better. I'm gonna hold you to it" she told me

"I will. Scouts honor" I replied

She hummed

"Were you sitting next to John or something?" I asked

"Yea, then I heard your voice and thought I should call you since you were sleeping last night" she replied

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