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(i added the song cause i'm lovin it rn 😜)

After Bill asked me to be his girlfriend we went straight to sleep

i slowly open my eyes and sit up.
i look over and bill is gone

"Bill?" i yawn

he peeks his head out of the bathroom door with a flashy smile

i giggle and start getting up

"you have an interview right?" i ask rubbing my eyes

"yup" he says while looking the mirror, applying eyeliner

"what time do we have to be there" i say while staring at his beauty in the mirror

he notices and starts smiling

"i thought you said it wasn't super early" i cover my face with my hands and groan

"what?! that isn't super early" he laughs

i act shocked "yes it is! that's when i usually wake up" i giggle

"well too bad because they aren't too flexible on time" he shrugs

i roll my eyes and walk out of the bathroom to get a new outfit.
i get out a jean skirt and a slightly baggy graphic t-shirt

i quickly put it on out of his sight so he won't see

i walk back in the bathroom to put on some makeup

he looks at me and his eyes widen
"did you just change??" he asks confused

"yeah? why" i smile

"i just did not expect it to be so quick, you look pretty though" he says while smirking at me

i blush and start working on my makeup

after we finish our makeup we meet up with the group

we walk out of the elevator with our hands intertwined

as we walk closer to them i see tom glance down at our hands and give me a look.
i just smile and look away

"and that's exactly what we are gonna be talking about the whole interview" Georg jokes

i laugh

"no but seriously they will definitely be asking a lot more questions" Tom adds

"well i'll just tell them that Daniela's my girlfriend now" Bill grins

Tom's jaw drops and Georg and Gustav look surprised

"so it's official?! finally.." Tom says under his breath

"don't you think you should wait to say it publicly though..?" Gustav says "we might want to wait because of the fans and stuff"

Bill falls silent and thinks for a bit

"that is true bill.." Tom shrugs

"Bill they are right you should probably wait" i tell him

Bill sighs "i guess you guys are right" he says, giving my hand a squeeze

"well let's get going guys" Georg says

we jump in the tour bus and get on the road

small time skip

the interview is starting in a couple minutes.
i am sitting with the audience waiting for them to walk out on stage

suddenly a security guard walks onto stage and whispers to the interviewer

i sit there confused but then the interviewer starts speaking

"i'm very sorry to say this," she starts "but tokio hotel will not be able to continue with the interview"

what? what happened?

some of the audience starts shouting, confused and angry

"Tom Kaulitz is ill and they need to focus on helping him, the interview will be postponed"

i get up and squeeze through everyone

i run to the entrance to backstage but the security guard stops me

"i'm came here with them" i tell him

he says nothing and keeps blocking the door

"ask them!" i say, getting frustrated

he stays silent and shakes his head

then Bill opens the door and notices me

"Dani! Tom is throwing up a LOT" he passes by the guard and grabs my hand

we run over to the rest of the group and see tom sitting on the couch with a trash can

"shouldn't we like go to the hospital or something?" i say while putting a hand on tom's shoulder for comfort

"our manager is calling for someone to come get us" Tom mumbles, holding the trash can

"what happened? why is he sick?" i turn to Bill

"we don't know, he just started throwing up" he replies

"maybe it was nerves..?" Gustav suggests

"no it wasn't" Tom snaps before throwing up again

finally the tour bus pulls up and we jump in

tom is sitting with his eyes closed silently trying to not move a lot and everyone else is sitting on their phones

"i think i feel sick too.." Georg blurts out

"are you serious!?" Bill groans

"i guess we'll figure out what you guys have soon" Gustav says

this chapter is kinda random but idk 😭

hope you guys enjoyed!😜

A New Start || BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now