interview ‼️

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we all ended up falling asleep in our room and woke up to knocks on the door

"none of them are answering" i hear a man say from outside the door

"Bill go get it" Tom sleepily says

"Georg you do it" Bill yawns

Georg walks to the door rubbing his eyes
he opens it to a man in a suit with a couple papers

"Finally! You all need to get ready for an interview." He says sternly

"What? We didn't have an interview today" Gustav walks to the door with a confused look

"well you do now, you have 2 hours. I saved a seat in the front for your friend here too." he motions to me

they all groan and Georg shuts the door

"okay guys time for you to leave" Bill tells them as he gets up

"i don't wanna get uppp" tom says still laying on the floor

Bill grabs his arms and pulls him up

"Bill stoppp" Tom fake cries

Bill pushes them all out the door and shuts it

"are you nervous about the interview?" i ask him while getting a shirt out of my suitcase

"to be honest, yeah" he replies

"well i'll be in the front staring you down" i laugh

he gives me a smile and walks into the bathroom
i change my shirt into a plain t shirt with spider-man on it
i grab a pair of dark blue jeans and slip them on as well

i brush my hair and put on perfume

i can't believe i'm on tour with a famous band right now
i never thought just moving would bring me here
i'm so glad i met them

Bill walks out of the bathroom with his hair gelled up (you can imagine him in any era)

he smiles at me

"you smell so good"

"thanks Bill" i say sarcastically flipping my hair

an hour passed and everyone met back up in the lobby of the hotel

"i can't believe they sprung an interview on us like this" Georg complains

"i know! at least it's better than our last manager" Tom looks at me and Bill

i blush and glance at Bill

"how much longer do we have?" i ask them

"we leave in 5 minutes, but the actually interview starts in like 45" Tom says

i nod and take out my phone
i see a text from Maya,

so?? how is it?!

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