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After talking with maya for a little Tom asks

"Daniela? do you wanna go to a party at our house?"

"Yeah of course! I'll text my mom right now"

i've never been to a party before...i've barely even had friends. i can't tell them that though, that's so embarrassing
i pull out my phone and ask my mom if i can hang out with them

"she said yes!" i exclaim

i glance at Bill, he's sitting there pretty silent while Jessie is talking about her ex.

we lock eyes and i-

"Daniela!?" Gustav shakes me, i look at him and then at Bill for a second
Gustav looks a little sad
"what's your number? so we can text you" he asks

"oh! sorry" i give a fake laugh, gustav and tom give a look to each other
"it's (123) 456-7890" (sorry i'm too lazy to make a real phone number😭)

i'm skipping to art

Bill didn't walk with tom and I

i sit down and i can tell tom is a little bummed out by me

he talks with other girls most of period

"that's due soon aren't you gonna work on it?" he says

"yeah" i give him a smile

he frowns and then turns to his friends

i pick up my paintbrush and start working a little

i'm zoned out for most of the class thinking about Bill

"Daniela!" tom pushes me slightly

"what?" i say annoyed

"it's time to go...are you okay??"

"i'm fine" i reply

i get up and put my stuff away
me and Tom walk to choir silently

today we are practicing our songs and it's really awkward, at least for me

Bill's been ignoring me and I've been ignoring him. Even though i know why i can't take it anymore

"Can i use the bathroom?" i say raising my hand

our teacher says yes and i get up to leave but suddenly i feel someone grab my hand

I turn around to see Bill
he opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out for a second.

"Nevermind." he uses his hand to close mine and suddenly i feel something in my palm

he pulls away and starts writing on his paper

i give Tom a glance and he looks confused

i look at my hand and then walk out of the classroom

i open my hand and see a folded piece of paper

i open it up and it says

What?Bill wants to meet at the park

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Bill wants to meet at the park..?
the party starts at 5 so i don't know why he chose that time.

i guess i'll meet him there


A New Start || BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now