"Bill flirting?!?"

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i walked into english and noticed tom was in my class again, he sat next to the blonde haired boy i saw yesterday.

wait...i just realized they ALL live in my neighborhood

how did i not notice before??

i thought about how i could make that into a conversation later but then i remember i have to find somewhere to sit

i make eye contact with tom and he motions to the seat next to him with his head
i walk over and sit in the seat while the bell rings

the teacher starts passing out papers and suddenly the blondie (😭) turns around to face me

"didn't i see you outside yesterday?" he asks

"i think so, i wasn't stalking i promise 😭"
i say

"dw i was just wondering cause i recognized you. My names gustav" he replies

"i'm daniela" i say smiling

"and i guess we met earlier but i'm tom"

"yeah..." i say awkwardly

"OK CLASS QUIET DOWN." i hear mr smith yell

me, gustav, and tom ignore him and quietly talk amongst ourselves

surprisingly they are all easy to talk to which is what i really needed to actually make friends in this school.

for the rest of english and history we talk and do a little bit of work so our teacher doesn't get mad

the bell for fourth period rings and we split up

i walk to P.E. and into the locker room
i see all the girls changing and i freeze


as soon as i snap back intro reality i see a girl walking towards me

"you're the new girl right?" she says

"uh yeah" i hesitate "do you know where i can get clothes?"

"omg don't worry! you can borrow mine, i barely wear them anyways" she smiles

"thank you so much!"

she turns to the mirror and starts applying lip gloss, "so what's your name?"

"oh i'm Daniela" i reply

she gasps, "that's such a cute name!! I'm Maya"

"thank you for the clothes Maya!"

i turn around and change into the clothes
they are not super flattering but not that bad
its basic shorts and a gray t-shirt

everyone walks into the gym and we start doing warmups

"Danielaaaa" i hear from behind me

i turn around and see Maya waving to me
i walk towards her hoping the teacher won't notice

"Hey Mayaaa"

A New Start || BILL KAULITZWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt