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•||Chapter 13: Watch Out!||•

•||Chapter 13: Watch Out!||•

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|| F A I S A L ||

I watched Anmol from the corner, who was sitting on the floor like a living dead body, breathing but had no other sign of being alive like a normal living human being. I wanted to run towards her and pull her in a hug, telling her everything that happened was for betterment.

But seeing the crowd of other women sitting around, I held myself. Ever since she received the phone call, she had been like this. And this behavior of hers had been scaring me more than anything.

"She was Dadu's favorite," An unfamiliar masculine voice came from behind me, shaking as he spoke.

"It is a huge trauma for her than anyone else," He added, standing beside me.

I turned to look at him as he was staring at the coffin, looking sad.

"I am Isa, her Phupho's son."

He turned to me and stretched his hand, introducing himself.

"Her husband. Faisal."

I shook my hand with him then pulled away, turning back to look at her.

"I was younger than her but I still remember it. When her parents died, she was just like how she is right now. No talking to anyone. No eating or moving. It was like she was just a living statue among us. You have to take care of her and hold her together," He patted on my shoulder then went away.

I stood there watching her silently until everyone came to pick up Dadu's coffin. I followed behind the crowd and stood at the back of the coffin, near Anmol. But when we raised the coffin to take it to the cemetery, she fainted, making everyone panic. I let someone else take my spot and rushed to her side.

"Anmol?" I called her, patting gently on her pale face but she wasn't opening her eyes.

My hands and feet trembled as I picked her up.

"Call the doctor," I told whoever was near me and carried her to her room.

I laid her down on her bed gently and rubbed her cold hands gently, trying to warm them and calling her name. One minute, we both were happily enjoying her vacation and I was a minute away from confessing everything to her, then the next minute, we both received the news of her Dadu's death and took a flight back home.

"Doctor will be here soon," My mom entered the room and told me softly as she sat beside Anmol and rubbed her feet.

"Mo-mom, her breathing," My voice shook as I felt her breath getting lowered.

"Get a side," Mom pushed me away and gave her a quick first aid treatment, making Anmol's breathing became better than before.

"You go to bury dadu. We'll take care of her," Amira Bhabhi suggested as she walked to Anmol's side with dates in her hand.

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