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•||Chapter 8: Regrets||

•||Chapter 8: Regrets||•

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|| F A I S A L ||

"There's a problem with this material. I had informed Director Umer but he just glanced at it with a mere single glance. Ms. Renia hopes you solve this problem quickly and change the supervisor otherwise she will not work with these defective materials."

She was telling me, nonchalantly, like I was a stranger to her and her regular client. The eyes that one held admiration for me now had sternness. The lips that always stretched into a smile, were pulled in a straight line.

I clenched my hands and looked back at her with the same nonchalant. How difficult was it for me to behave like that in front of her like this, only I knew.

"I will take care of this matter and will personally apologize to Ms. Renia. We will not give you another opportunity to complain again," I glanced at Tariq with a nod who got my message and quickly excused himself.

"That was all. I'll excuse myself now," Saba said, standing up, and turned to walk to the door.

I got up from my seat quickly and walked towards her. I grabbed her wrist quickly before she opened the door, and turned her around quickly. It was at this time I regretted making eye contact with her because what I found in them was pure hatred for me.

"Leave," The mouth that always sweet talked to me was now dripping with coldness and venom for me.

Subconsciously I tightened my grip on her wrist and pulled her a little more near to me but she put her other hand on my chest and pushed me.

"For once stop being a shameless and selfish man, Mr. Malik. Believe me if you don't leave me, I'll scream and file a case of harassment on you," She narrowed her eyes and threatened me in a low voice that held anger.

It hurt to hear my surname coming from her, instead of my own name.

"Please listen to my explanation," I pleaded softly the way I always used to with her, and hoped she would soften like always.

But this time she didn't soften up like before, instead it triggered the flame of hatred in her eyes. The grip on hand loosened as I was shocked by her reaction. But her reaction was understandable after what I had done to her.

Without wasting any moment, she pulled her wrist free and pushed me with force with both hands, making distance between us.

"Ah! Isn't it too soon, Mr. Malik. If you can't respect yourself or anything then please have some respect for your marriage and wife. She doesn't deserve this," There was sarcasm in voice somewhere which made me freeze.

"I..," I trailed off.

Whatever explanation I wanted to give her was stuck in throat.

"You what? Can you leave her? Can you divorce her? Believe me, Mr. Faisal Malik, even if you do this, I would never. Remember never will come back to a man like you," She glared at me and took another step backward.

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