Chapter thirty-one

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A/N- im so ez gg


It was just a hangout. They were suppose to have fun. But who the actual hell is that person over there.

{*No one's POV*}

"You made my life miserable! Now you're back to repeat that!" Grian shouted, kicking him in the leg and pushing him down. His eyes trembled with anger as water streamed down his face. Scar looked at what was infront of him, eyes widened. He had no idea what was going on right now, and why Grian was trying to hurt Sam. He just watched for a bit, until he tried to stop everything.

"Grian! Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" He grabbed him by the shoulder. Grian's eyes drew to him, still in anger and slight tears.
"What?! You don't understand a fucking thing leave me alone!" He replied back, yelling slightly as he put a foot on Sam. Scar didn't let go of Grian yet, but tried to understand what was happening. Sam was struggling as he was thrown to the floor.

"Scar, let go of me! He- he's a fucking bully for gods sake! No one even likes him don't you even understand?!" More tears streamed down him face, his eyes narrowed a little. Scar's eyes widened as he listened to what he had just said.
"He hurt me, Scar! It's all his fault!" He cried.

Scar just stood there, taking his hand off his shoulder. He tried calming him down and but nothing was working.
"Calm down, Gri! This won't help you!" He wasn't listening to his words, he punched his face one last time. Then, Grian felt a light touch on both of his arms.

"Scar, let go! Why don't you help me instead? He's a fucking physco for God's sake!" He yelled at him. Sam just looked in anger as he tried to get up.

Recklessly, Sam pushed Grian off him. "What the hell, I thought we were friends!"
Grian looked up at him, his eyes showed tense and anger, he stuttered a bit, before speaking up.
"Friends?! FRIENDS?! What do you mean friends?!"

Then, Scar walked infront of him. He stared at the two, even hesitated for a little before speaking up between them.
"Guys, calm down! Is this even necessary?!" He shouted, traumatised at all the gore he was looking at, separating the two quickly. There was silence for a but, until Sam spoke up.
"Of course not! We're joking, we're frien-" Grian cut him off, "Shut u!-"

"Guys, stop. Give me an explanation." Both of them looked in anger as they stared at each other.

After a bit, both Sam's and Grians friends approached them, Grian's group either just terrified or shocked. Then, the grip on Sam's fists tightened, his eyebrows low. He grabbed Scar's hair, looking at him dead in the eyes.

"Come on, 'Elf'. You don't tell me what to do." He tugged on the tallers long hair as the look on Scar's face looked weak. Grian collapsed on the ground as his body weakend as well. As Grian's friends, Xisuma and Mumbo, were trying to help him out, the tension between the other two rised, Sam's hand still tugging his hair more forcefully. Scar held his head, feeling the pain as Sam's friends just stood there and watched. But then there was a small rip noise, Scar's hair felt shorter than before. As the other boy opened his palm, almost half of his hair length layed in his hand-

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