Chapter twenty-three

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{*Scar's POV*}

Grian has been inside his changing room for over ten minutes! I started to worry about him. I heard two bangs coming from his slot. What has he been doing in there? I heard heavy breathing as I kept calling his name.

"Grian?" I knocked on his door over and over again.




"Is he alright?" Mumbo asked me, about to leave with his bags on him.

"I don't know, tell the others to go. I'll stay."

He nodded and walked to them.
After a few more minutes, he didn't reply. Class is starting, but I'm more worried for him. I banged on the door with my arm, hoping it would unlock. I took off my bag and fiddled with my zip. Then I fiddled with the lockers and heard a CLING noise. I opened the door quickly and found him on the floor.
His sleeves were all rolled up to his elbows. His hands were all bloody and the floor was scattered in his blood. I shook him a little as he mumbled a word I couldn't really here.

"S-S-c-ar?" His face was covered in tears and his voice was full of sadness and pain. I shook him a little more, crouching down at him. I lifted his small hands and wrapped them with tissues.
I ran to the school nurse and slowly laid him on one of the soft chairs. They looked for bandages and took off his gloves carefully. Not even a single plaster was attached to his scars and skin. Why has he not bee taking care of himself? I sat down next to Grian and sighed.
They carefully wrapped the bandages around his hands and arms. After they were done, one of them said to me,

"You can go to class now. Tell your teacher you were doing a job for me. Thank you." She smiled at me. I smiled back. I stood up to leave and walked towards the door. I grabbed the handle then paused. I turned back  to her and asked,

"Can I come back after?"
She nodded and smiled again. I opened the door to make my leave. I hope he will be alright.



I walked straight into class, seeing Mumbo. He was in most of my classes, but I didn't complain about that.

"Hi Scar," He waved at me and smiled as I sat next to him, "Grian's alright, right?"

I nodded at him slightly and smiled. I thought of an excuse on why he took so long. At least he wasn't in the same class as us. "He's just tired, that's all" I said quickly back to him.

I tried to continue on with the lesson without thinking about him too much.

{Word count: 462}

I ran out of time D: Sorry lol. The next one will be continuing this one so it's like joint together. Have a good day and happy birthday to me tommorow? (May 3 lol I think it's a lucky birth date)


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