Chapter eleven

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Not really a warning :/ - the smallest swear in the whole in swearing sweary swear swear universe like so small that the king of sweary swear swear land banned it from sweary swear big swear kingdom.

{*Scar's POV*}

Grian grabbed my wrist as we walked inside. I looked at his hand and smiled, only just realizing he had black fingerless gloves that went about halfway up between is wrist and elbow. Then I looked up and saw him turn his head to me and stuck his tongue out to Mumbo as he ruffled his hair.

Seriously, I have no idea what has being gone between them two. The first thing I saw that happened was him jumping on Mumbo, hitting his head then fell on the ground and randomly started laughing all of a sudden. But I was very confused why he would just randomly wear gloves.

"What are the gloves for?" I asked, looking down at him.

He looked for an answer through his mind, and looked up at me and said,

"Uhm, my," he paused for a moment, "my hand and wrists hurt."

It was SO obvious that he was lying, but we carried on walking inside. 

The teacher, Mr. 😳, instructed us to do 3 laps inside the hall, then sit by one of the basketball hoops. Grian's hand slipped into mine as we started to run around the hall. We started jogging, soon turning into running and sprinting. I had to drag him, because he couldn't run as fast.

"Not a fast runner, ey?" I asked.

"With these big, dumbass wings, yeah," he said, still getting half-dragged by me. I paused at the second lap, and his head turned to me while his hand still stuck to mine. I smirked at him and picked him up, as his head rested on my shoulder and his legs wrapped around my waist.

"PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!" he yelled like a 5 year old, kicking his legs and trying to push himself off. He was so light, I ran a lap while still holding him, even though he fiddled around so much.

Once I finished the lap, I let him go but then he hit my chest like it was drums or something.

"JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted while the teacher got out sports stuff.

I turned round at Mumbo, who was literally laughing his a-------, head off, while crouching down and covering his mouth. I turned back to the SHORTT avian, who had his hands on his hips, tiptoeing and staring at me furiously.

"Even if you tiptoe, you wont be able to reach my height," I smiled proudly, as he jumped a lot to reach my height. He couldn't still couldn't, even if he jumped and tiptoed. I laughed and chuckled, then the teacher got our attention. We turned our heads to him, and passed a ball to each of us. We looked around and saw he had made (Magically~) some more basketball hoops for us. We had to practice shooting the ball in the hoop, which wasn't much, after all, it's the first week back. I was hoping the first week back would be more calming and stuff, and now we are doing this.

I shared one basketball hoop with Mumbo and Grian, and practiced shooting with each other. After a few turns, Grian scored one, then the ball fell on his head (because I want cool drama) and fell to the floor. He paused for a moment, and I was just about to go and help but then went stood back, and threw the ball on my head. We laughed talked, ignoring the whole lesson. The P.E teacher did a really bad job at looking out for us and stuff. He just focused on his phone.


{*Grian's POV*}

I finally shot the ball in the hoop, and then I quickly ran to the hoop to collect it, seeing if it wouldn't touch the floor and bounce. But then, BASH! I fell to the ground and smiled, but this feeling felt familiar. I remembered a time when.. he did made me feel the same pain. I could even still remember what they did:

"You're so weak, you weirdo." He bashed his books on my head, then he turned to-

"Grian! Are you oka-" I got up quickly and tried to change the subject by laughing. Laughing a lot. I pretended nothing happened, and change the subject like an expert.

"Pfft, teachers have no care," I muttered, staring at Mr 😳 as he stared at his phone.

"OoooOOOooo, maybe his bababababababa-baby broke up," Mumbo laughed, wiping a tear.

We just stood there and chatted away for the last ten-ish minutes of P.E, then when we walked out of the P.E hall when the bell rang. Most people walked straight to the changing rooms, including Mumbo, Scar, and me.

We just got changed back into our usual clothes and shoes, but I stayed inside my changing room for a while. I got out my notebook I really was obsessed with and pencil and opened it up to the "Bread bridge" page. It's been about... a whole entire week since I started it, and I still haven't completed it. I traced over the wheat one more time, very carefully, and then shaded and smudged the clouds to make it look very realistic. I stopped, and looked at it for a while. One whole week for this amazing master piece. I smiled at it, as I turned my notebook to see it at every single angle. I traced the outline of the bricks, before closing it. I admired it again and stared it for a bit. One day I dream about actually making these buildings, even if it would take me a year or something like that. Sketching and drawing was one thing that made me feel happy and relaxed, and took my mind of what's surrounding me. Talking about what's surrounding me, what was I doing again?

I looked back up, finding myself in a changing room, and repeatedly hearing a word.

"Grian???" someone knocked on my door with a familiar voice.

I closed my notebook and stuffed it in my backpack, and stuffing all my P.E clothes inside my duffel bag.


I rolled up my sleeves so I could quickly zip up my bags, ignoring the pain under my gloves. I dumped my backpack over my shoulders, and carried my duffel bag with one shoulder.



{Word count: 1057}

I know when the puking starts. Saturday. Yeah, I think I'm actually gonna busy for like two and a half weeks then I'll rest for about a half of a week. If you don't know what I mean, go to the end of the last chapter where I comment here :)


I've got my eyes on you~ ScarianDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora