Chapter 9 : A development I didn't know

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"Kim Dokja...."

"Do you know something in the future?"

Kim Dokja's pov

This guy was also suspicious of me. Seeing on how I handle the situations and scenario as if I knew it.

"And what if I do?" I answered.


Rimuru stayed quiet..., I don't know what kind of expression his making under that mask, but if I were to guess, then he's probably shocked.., no.., he was already suspicious of it..., feels like he's smiling...

"I have a proposal.., you can turn it down if you want, but it'd be great if you accept." Rimuru answered

'A proposal?, Is he going to reveal his intentions?. '

While I was having those thoughts, a sudden struck of realization came to my mind and started to think of the possibilities of what he might want from me.

He was suspicious of me because of my knowledge and how I handle the situations, now that he's suspicion is proven, he's probably going after me..

"Let's hear it." I said

If his terms are similar to the ones I had in mind, then it's a benefit for me, Ive got nothing to lose.

"Thank you.." Rimuru said with a grateful voice.

"You might take that back if I refuse.., I haven't agreed to it yet." I remarked.

It might seem cold, but i don't want to give him false hopes, especially when it comes from me, I just hope, he won't kill me if I refuse.

"Okay then.., I want you...., to help me go back to my Homeworld...."

'Homeworld?, What does it mean?'

"In exchange, I'll help you reach the end of the scenarios." Rimuru said

After realizing what he just said, my eyes went wide open, now, that explains why he was too strong, but.. it's unlikely to have someone like him in the early scenarios.

Did the bureau made a mistake?, Was there an error at the star stream?..., I started to think like a madman, trying to find the possibilities.

But still, it was a development that even I , the sole reader of ways of survival, didn't know. The only thing left for me to understand is to listen to Rimurus words.






After hearing rimuru's terms of condition, I agreed. After all, it wasn't that bad, except for the no coins condition.

He probably saw my intentions of rubbing his coins out, but he offered something important than the coins...

In the end, he didn't say anything about his world, the only thing he said was that he got killed and got reincarnated in here 5 years ago. My curiosity was killing me because of this development. I couldn't tell if I was excited or nervous of the incoming future.

I asked him about his attribute and he said that he was a 'Deviant', I didn't know what it was, but he said that it can make him stronger time to time.

Im still curious of what his skills are, but he didn't gave me information about it, because I couldn't reveal my attribute to him, he even said that it wasn't fair.

Now, the two of us went back to the station, I could see the others waiting for us .

"Dokja!, Rimuru!" Lee Hyunsung got surprised when we appeared on his back.

𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  (𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑎 𝑥 𝑂𝑟𝑣)Where stories live. Discover now