Chapter 4 : Sense of Compassion

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More than half of the food was taken by the mainstream group. Kim Dokja didn't back down and spoke back at Cheon Inho.

'It seems like they had an argument.'

Rimuru thought while watching Cheon Inho leaving.

'Are they arguing about food?, I had many of them, I should've gave them from the start'

Rimuru began to pity the people who where hungry, especially the children.

Rimuru stood up and walked towards the people

"Hey!, where are you going?"

Jung Heewon asked, wondering what will the blue haired guy do.

Rimuru paused

"I need to help."

after saying those words he continued to walk away.

Before Rimuru met Jung Heewon and Kim Dokja, he spent his entire week killing monsters and looting the stores, even though it was a trouble for Rimuru at his first day, he was able to regain his skill stomach sack which made his job easier since he just need to store up items without using a bag

The food was more than enough to feed all people on here, except for Cheon Ilho's group.





"Dokja-ssi, did you leave the food enough for your self?"

Yoo Sangah asked

"Nope, I sold it"

Jung Heewon who just arrived heard the conversation and made a jaw dropped expression

Suddenly, they hear voices from the people, catching their attention, and saw Rimuru distributing food

[The constellations of the absolute good system are touched by your actions.]

[The constellations has sponsored you 500 coins]

Kim Dokja was left confused seeing the blue haired guy handing the food out of nowhere.

'Where did the food came from!?, he didn't bring anything while going in here , he didn't go outside either.'

Kim Dokja suddenly felt a tap on his elbow, snapping from his thoughts he looked to the person who tapped him, it was Rimuru.

'how did he got here!'

Kim Dokja was surprised, but seeing the other's holding food, he could tell rimuru's intentions.

''Jung Heewon said that you sold the remaining food, and nothing was left for you to eat so I'll give you this"

Rimuru said while handing food and water to Kim Dokja.

"Thank you.."

Kim Dokja hesitated but still accepted the food and water.

"You're welcome "

Rimuru smiled under his mask.

Cheon Inho seeing this entire situation was enraged, the plan he was supposed to do was now a mess.

"Hey you!" Cheon grabbed a man by his collar and started questioning the man.

"Who did this!?"

"W-what do you mean!?" The man answered with fear.

"Who distributed the food?!" This time Cheon Inho was more annoyed.

"i-its the b-blue haired g-guy" the man started to tear up feeling guilty for betraying the person who helped him.

𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  (𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑎 𝑥 𝑂𝑟𝑣)Where stories live. Discover now