🌾 Chapter Excerpt One : Expressing Letter From Marc June

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In this part of the book, I, the author, have included an extra chapter to give you more insights into the characters and their emotions

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In this part of the book, I, the author, have included an extra chapter to give you more insights into the characters and their emotions. This chapter is like a missing puzzle piece that adds excitement and depth to the story.

In this chapter, Marc begins the letter with expressions of love and concern for Rosea's well-being during her pregnancy. He apologizes for not being able to visit her due to work commitments. Marc promises to change his ways for the sake of their family and expresses deep remorse for disappointing her.

To compensate for his absence, he arranges for his friend Jake to deliver daily bouquets and letters to Rosea, symbolizing his love and affection. Marc reaffirms his love for her and eagerly anticipates being reunited as a family in the future.
From: [Chapter 16: Broken Trusts and Reckless Action]

By including this separate chapter, I hope to make the story more interesting and help you connect with the characters on a deeper level. It reveals the complexities of their relationship and adds more emotion to the overall narrative.

 It reveals the complexities of their relationship and adds more emotion to the overall narrative

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My Dearest Rose,

I hope this letter finds you well, my love, and that you and our little one are in the best of spirits. How is your baby bump coming along? I miss feeling the joy of it beneath my hand and the anticipation of our child's arrival.

I wish I could be by your side every day, but my work obligations are keeping me away for now. Please know that being apart pains me deeply, but I promise I will do everything in my power to be with you as soon as possible.

To compensate for my absence, I have arranged for a dear friend and trusted associate, Jake Weins, to be my messenger of love. He is like a brother to me and knows how much you mean to me. Jake will deliver a beautiful bouquet and a heartfelt letter to you every day, ensuring you feel cherished and loved, even in my absence.

I long for the day when I can hold you in my arms again and watch our child grow together as a family. Until then, know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I will strive to be a better man for you and our little one, and I eagerly await the moment fate brings us back together.

With all the love in my heart,

Your devoted husband, Marc June

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