🌾 Chapter Fourteen : Challenges and Conflicts

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Rosea took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air as she walked through the park, enjoying the tranquility of the trees and the distant sound of birdsong.

She was pregnant with her first child, and lately, she found herself needing more and more time alone to just relax and clear her head.

After a while, she decided it was time to head back home. 

As she walked through the streets, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She had heard stories of gangsters lurking around, and she didn't want any trouble.

But just as she was about to turn the corner, she noticed a group of men standing on the sidewalk ahead. 

One of them caught her eye, a man with slicked-back hair and a menacing expression. He looked her up and down, smirking as she tried to walk past him.

"Hey there, beautiful," he said, blocking her path. "Where are you headed?"

Rosea tried to ignore him, quickening her pace. But he followed her, taunting her with crude remarks and lewd gestures. 

She felt her face grow hot with embarrassment and anger, but she didn't know what to do.

Just then, she saw a familiar figure walking towards her. 

It was her husband Marc, accompanied by Jim and Remy. They looked at the gangster with a cold, calculating stare, and the man suddenly seemed to lose his nerve.

"Come on, lads," he muttered, backing away. "We don't want no trouble."

Marc and his mates didn't say a word as they escorted Rosea home. She felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that she was safe with them.

As they walked, Marc put his arm around her protectively, and she felt grateful for his strength and presence.

"Love, why did you go to the park alone? It's not safe for you to be out there by yourself, especially when you're pregnant," Marc expressed his concern.

"I just needed some fresh air, Marc. I've been cooped up in the mansion for too long," Rosea explained.

"I understand that, but you should have told me. I would have gone with you," Marc said, regretful.

"But you're always busy with your work, Marc. You're not always around," Rosea replied, feeling a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Rosea. I know I've been neglecting you lately, and I promise to make it up to you," Marc apologized.

"It's not just about neglecting me, Marc. I don't want to raise our child alone," Rosea said firmly.

Marc looked at her with guilt and concern written all over his face. "I understand, Rosea. I'll make more time for you and the baby from now on. I'm sorry for making you feel alone in this."

When they arrived at Marc's car, Rosea sighed with relief as he opened the door for her. "I'll drive you home," he offered.

Despite feeling worn out, she got inside the passenger seat instead of refusing, and Marc informed his mates to get back to work since he needed to take care of his wife at home for a while.

During the car ride home, Rosea couldn't help but bring up a topic that had been weighing heavily on her mind for a while now. She took a deep breath before speaking up.

"Marc, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" he asked, glancing at her briefly before focusing back on the road.

"I don't want you to be a gangster anymore. I know you won't agree but we have no other choice," Rosea said softly.

Marc's grip on the steering wheel tightened visibly. "Why?"

"Because I don't want our child to grow up with a father who's involved in criminal activities. I don't want them to be exposed to danger or to have to live with the constant fear of you getting arrested or worse," Rosea explained, trying to keep her voice calm.

"I've been doing this my whole life, Rosea. It's not like I can just quit," Marc replied, his tone defensive.

"But you can try. You can find a new job, something that's not illegal. You can find a way to provide for us without putting yourself in danger," Rosea persisted.

"I can't just leave everything behind, Rosea. This is who I am," Marc said, his voice rising in frustration.

"You're not just a gangster, Marc. You're my husband, and soon you'll be a father. You have a responsibility to us, to keep us safe and provide for us in a way that's legal and honest," Rosea said firmly.

Marc fell silent for a moment, his jaw clenched. Finally, he spoke again. "I can't promise you that I'll quit, Rosea. But I'll try to make it safer, make sure I don't get caught. And I'll make sure you and our child are always protected."

"That's not enough, Marc. I need you to quit, for our family, for God sake!" Rosea said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Marc let out a deep sigh, his eyes still fixed on the road. "Rosea, I understand where you're coming from. But you have to understand that this is not an easy decision for me to make. I have friends and family in this business, and it's not something I can just walk away from without consequences."

"I know it's not easy, Marc. But we have a child on the way. We have to think about their future, their safety," Rosea pleaded.

"I am thinking about our child's future, Rosea. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm providing for our family in the best way I know how," Marc said stubbornly.

"But at what cost, Marc? Is it worth it if it means risking your life or going to jail? Is it worth it if it means our child will grow up without a father?" Rosea asked, her voice shaking with emotion.

Marc didn't reply, his expression tense and unreadable. They drove the rest of the way in silence, each lost in their thoughts and feelings.

Finally, as they pulled into their driveway, Marc spoke up. "Rosea, I love you. I married you because I love you. But you have no position to change my career or my life. This is who I am, and I can't just give it up because you want me to."

Rosea felt her heart sink at his words. She knew she loved Marc, but this stubbornness was a side of him she had never seen before. "Marc, I love you too. But to have a happy family, we need to change. We need to leave this life behind and start fresh, legally and honestly."

"I can't just leave this life behind. It's not that simple," Marc said, frustration etched into every line of his face.

Rosea sat in silence for a few seconds before unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car without saying another word.

Marc watched as she walked towards the house, her shoulders tense and her steps heavy with frustration. "Rosea, wait," Marc called out, but she didn't turn back. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, feeling helpless and conflicted.

End of chapter fourteen.

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